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Posts posted by Zebrech

  1. Hello guys,

    Long time i didn't do model-changing and when i try to start wow i get this error : 


    This application has encountered a critical error:

    ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal Condition
    Program:    D:\World of Warcraft 3.3.5\Wow.exe

    Failed to read file (listfile).

    Debug Details:

    [2] err=0 text=SFileReadFile - (listfile) - Data\Patch-A.MPQ
    [1] err=0 text=LoadSectorTable failed
    [0] err=0 text=LoadSectorTable failed
    Storm Error Msg:The specified file cannot be found.


    Any idea ? I checked the listfile in question but it's complete so i don't understand.


  2. 1 hour ago, Kaev said:

    It's your opinion and i accept that, but i really can't understand it. What would be the problem when other people would use them? The amount of custom servers is extremely low and every new one will just push the modding community forwards. Every guy who will join the modding community could be the creator a bugfree map editor or whatever tool you could also need and can't do yourself.

    I'm looking for a good custom server for years now (i'm not even exaggerating) and never found one. There are so many screenshots and videos of cool projects out there, but the servers will never go live (or die after like a week), because it's a huge load of work which can be quite depressing if Noggit deletes 3 hours of work because you saved twice for example. With every useful tool the chance will get higher to finally see a good server online someday.

    And if you think that other custom servers will steal your players: Competition is good for business. The more players are interested in playing custom servers, the more players will join. Examples: "A: Hey B, let's play on Rangorns Custom Server! B: Yeah, why not! Looks great!", "This is a custom server with 100+ players? This has to be a good one, let's check it out"

    And if all players really go to a different custom server: You did something horribly wrong (e.g. not listening to your community, no game content), but this hasn't anything to do with some tools you released or not. They would have left anyway sooner or later.

    I agree with that but I believe custom servers are not attractive, because of huge patches that each server has. I've a idea to fight against it : Make a cross-platform with common ressources patches that all custom server will use and 1 or 2 little patches to play on the server you want. 

    But this pleasant idea means that everyone cooperate, and that'll never happend.

    (sorry for my very bad english :( )

  3. Hello guys,

    It's been a while that i did nooooothing because of my studies and well ... TC changed a lot.

    I tried to replace all old wolf skins by WOD wolf skins. So i injected new models in creaturemodeldata.dbc, create some new skins for each color in creaturedisplayinfo.dbc and change them in the server by sql querry. Nothing was update so i was looking for something wrong and i see a new table in world : creature_model_info. I added all my new displays in this table but nothing was update too. 

    So i think it works like this now : creaturemodeldata.dbc>creaturedisplayinfo.dbc>creature_model_info table>"VERIFICATION">Display ingame

    But i have no idea about what is VERIFICATION.

    If someone can tell me, or correct me...
