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File Comments posted by GrimReapaa

  1. 11 hours ago, evilbobman said:

    SingleCore rev. 2974e284a9bf+ 2017-05-07 16:27:22 +0200 (npcbots branch) (Win64, Release, Static) (worldserver-daemon)


    I got the file correctly working now but it's looping waiting for a response. I've (from what I understand) correctly set up openai. The server is looping waiting for a response without receiving one, creating an endless loop.

    Getting this error in my server console: python3: can't open file 'C:\\Users\\evilbobman\\Desktop\\Anything': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

    I think now we are at an issue with some settings in the files. Can you reach me on discord or pm more?

  2. 2 hours ago, evilbobman said:

    Got a new error now. Says " Scripts/GPT_NPCs.lua:115: bad argument #3 to 'RegisterEvent' (number expected, got no value)" So close to getting this working :(

    This one has me stumped. Can I ask what core you are using?


    edit: I maybe made a fix? Try it again.

  3. 20 hours ago, evilbobman said:

    Hello and thank you for creating this.


    I've gotten every step set up correctly and the script properly loaded on my server. The issue I'm having is whenever I chat to an NPC I get an error on the server that says the following:

    GPT_NPCs.lua:73: attempt to call method 'IsPlayer' (a nil value)


    I don't know much at all about coding and tried google searching a way to fix this but cannot figure out how to do so.

    Do you have any input?

    I believe the IsPlayer() method is in the AzerothCore only. My mistake, I did not believe that would be the case. A new fix is available if you download it again.

  4. On 10/21/2023 at 6:00 AM, darthy said:

    When I run the bot  and type "register test 123456" on discord. The bot writes the message
    "[Register]: Account has been successfully made." But nothing happens in the worldserver console app, no accounts created and terminal with the bot running shows this message:

    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ns1="urn:TC">SOAP-ENV:BodySOAP-ENV:FaultSOAP-ENV:ClientMethod 'ns1:executeCommand' not implemented: method name or namespace not recognized</SOAP-ENV:Fault></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

    I do not know what Iam doing wrong. Iam installing the resgistration bot for the first time.
    Iam using this serve core
    And It supports SOAP.

    I've added you on discord, hopefully we can expedite this fix faster.

  5. On 10/20/2023 at 10:22 AM, darthy said:

    So when I have the registration bot active. I have to make another bot for this code separately? I did not get how it works and how the mod is activated on wow server startup, Is that held as a custom loa script? 

    You actually don't need the registration bot necessarily, so instructions are provided on how to make one here if you are not using the registration bot.


    You can use the same discord application, bot, etc for both registration and this DUA feature.


    The script is fired on -

    Server Startup - The LUA script fires up the python script that is the discord bot/API, the bot then searches all of the discord users for the relevant roles, then stores them in a file "DUA_DB.DUA".

    Player Login - The LUA script fires on player login, which fires a python script, the python script then searches the DUA_DB file for the relevant user and their roles. The results are stored in a temporary file in the bin directory (where temp files automatically go) named "(ACCOUNT_NAME).DUA".

    Login pt2 - After a couple of seconds, the LUA script fires again and parses the "(ACCOUNT_NAME).DUA" file. If no relevant roles, kick and message.


    Hopefully that clears some confusion, let me know if you have more questions.



    This bot now supports all cores that support SOAP. Rather than manipulating userdata and trying to inject passwords directly, the bot now is able to login via SOAP and process commands through the server directly. This means it will be compatible with any core that has the SOAP feature. I can personally confirm that TC and AzerothCore both support SOAP.


    Just pull the update, set "SOAP.ENABLED=1" in worldserver.conf, set up the registration for your SOAP user account in the config file, and all should work!


    The bot also now supports account password management. To change the password, a user just has to message "account set password $newpassword $newpassword" where $newpassword is the same for confirmation.

  7. Update V5 is out!


    Thanks to @Implave's long term work, determination, and patience, this patch now has functioning WMOs from 8.2-10.1. Not all are functioning, but a lot more than what was previously working should be available now.


    New patch is in the readme download and alternative/redundant links will be up ASAP.


    On 11/6/2022 at 9:41 AM, Mew said:

    Do you have a version of this that doesn't have WOTLK conflicting models removed?
    You are loosing a lot of hd versions by doing this, particularly trees.

    I'll have to investigate this further to find direct comparisons, should be simple - just a matter of getting to this task.

  8. On 5/21/2022 at 2:41 PM, Shakar said:

    This is a great start for those that aren't that well set up yet, as in missing web pages and what not. Is there more planned for this other than simple account registration? Like maybe basic account management such as password changing and whatnot?

    Thanks for the feedback! The idea was just to get registration up and going for anyone as fast and as easy as possible. Yes more features are planned. I'm working on Ember alongside this bot, and this is the barebones version that will work for any user to get into the game. Details such as password management and even using discord modals/forms are planned in the future. Just don't expect it too soon™. It might be a couple months out until an update like that comes.




    Speaking of updates, a new version has been released on the GitHub. For anyone wondering, there are two separate versions now. TrinityCore changed their password creation method in January 2022, so if you have a core created on or after that date, please use the 2022 version on the github. Older cores can use the OLD version also labelled on the GitHub. If anyone has questions, let me know. I'll get to them eventually!

    • Thanks 1

  9. On 6/7/2022 at 5:03 AM, darkgreen89 said:

    Hello, I want to try your mod but I downloaded the MPQ version, placed it in my wow 3.3.5a DATA folder but when I open wow and login I can't notice any difference, I think the patch is not working, can you tell me if I'm missing a step or doing something wrong? Is this supposed  be ready to work right?

    This content should replace/update tilesets that were updated by Blizzard and that should be the most noticeable change. The m2s, objects, etc, are all from future expansions and would require a world editing tool like noggit to edit them into the game, but you should be able to use them and do exactly that with this patch.

  10. Thanks to a github contribution by @ReynoldsCahoon, the documentation has been condensed and is much easier to read. The old instructions are still there if anyone wants a picture-based instruction with linux specific commands.


    Thank you ReynoldsCahoon! If you'd like to make a contribution like him, please visit the github and create a request.

  11. An update is now released. You will be redirected to a public github repo so other collaborators can contribute to the code.


    Also fixed unnecessary import lines and extra comments used in the debug process, along with removing needless configs.


    Please download the new version, as it contains important fixes.

  12. 15 hours ago, Monoman said:

    OMG!!! you don't know how much i needed this and you just delivered it out pure kindness!!!

    Yo make my year sir, no matter how awful things are at least i have this to play around and distract me.


    Thank you from the bottom of my heart and i wish you the best of lucks.

    Sincerely yours,


    ps: i have many skills but, but nothing in depth, but if you need some photoshop recoloring work done, i might be able to help. nothing professional of course





    Thanks, I'll have to keep that in mind. I do know I need some recolors, actually. I'll send you a message.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Alastor Strix'Efuartus said:


    MPQ Editor breaks around 5 gigs of files, so separate your patches into 5 gigs or less.

    You must have corrupted your MPQ since the only limit is filecout of 2^19 and not actual file size im using casualy 20GB patches for years without any issue 

    What MPQ Editor do you have? The newest one breaks all my patches, the one I use now breaks every time, without a doubt, around 5 GB.