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Image Comments posted by Alrineer

  1. This is a good start, however I would recommend some things to help improve your world building skills.

    Firstly, I would recommend that you blend the rock texture into the grass texture a bit more because at the moment, the transition is quite hard which would take away from realism. (blend the textures)

    Secondly, I would also recommend putting more detail into the rock texturing itself, adding small gaps and cracks aswell as possibly vertex shading would greatly improve the zone in my opinion

    Thirdly, I would suggest that you add another grass texture as a highlight.

    also in the top right there is a green texture that looks out of place, possibly trying to find replacement textures that better suit the environment.

    Finally, the area looks a bit crowded, perhaps making the area a bit larger would makes things look slightly nicer. 

    I'll leave a link below to a very useful tutorial series by Amaroth which covers the things I've stated in detail to help you get a better understanding of world building.


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  2. I really like what you have got here, if I were to give any constructive criticism, it would be to possibly add another, lighter grass texture or a darker one on the edges to really bring out the environment and give it more life. Also, maybe try and blend the grass to sand a bit more, possibly add a dirt layer before to give it a more realistic. :)

  3. Very nice mountains, but I would say to smoothen them a tad and put a faint rock texture on there. It will make it look more realistic. And another thing outside the city/village it is extremely flat. I have watched the star wars movies and yes it is flat - but for the sake of it being in wow maybe make it a bit bumpy. Apart from this, this looks quite cool and interests me very much. Looking forward to next post :) 

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