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Posts posted by TheMoneyHater

  1. After a long night of sleep and some playing around, I discovered that as wungasaurus said in noggit you can see the Wintergrasp models but they use a fake .wmo to create the collision. It can be seen in noggit but not in the game. That's why if they spawn a normal Game object on the exact same spot it fakes the vmaps/mmaps.



    How can this help me? I think it is possible to put the boat in noggit and create vmaps/mmaps for it. Then remove it from the map and only spawn it in the phase like I have now. This makes so the server knows that there is a boat there but not the player. The only downside of this might be that if a player outside of the phase (will only be water next to a beach) if they swim while an npc are attacking them and swim over the place the boat is on another phase the npc will act like crazy. Is this a stupid idea? or the easiest one?

    2 hours ago, MR.Farrarie said:

    type 14 = is shit

    I know that all .wmo are loaded from the map but is there really that less support on the serverside to spawn .wmo with type 14?

  2. To be honest I have no idea either if it should work. All I know is that it works with Transports and I don't see a reason why it would not work in this situation.

    Saw what wungasaurus wrote and I guess we are on the same track. The think is that I don't know how to make transports specific for a phase, they seem to overwrite.

  3. I have custom made maps/vmaps/mmaps but still it dosn't seem to work with this normal pirateship (.wmo)
    It is spawned as a type 14 and I can't find any flags in the gameobject_template that might fix this problem.
    I only want to use the ship in a specific phase so noggit is a no.
    What to do?


  4. Hello!
    I'm sorry if this is obvious to some or that this has a easy fix. I have never worked with .wmo files and when I try to convert them they become green. I have checked all textures and that don't seems to be the problem. Can it be ParticleColor or something like that?
