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Posts posted by Ohai

  1. I didn't log some time now, I see you don't have that chatbox anymore, moved to discord or?

    I was wondering hows wow modding going, was checking a few sites seems its still mostly 335. 

    I'm guessing there wasn't any major progress on later xpacs? Also seen a few vids about ue4 and unity wow recreation, it seems promising anyone here tried that?

  2. On 7/23/2018 at 9:47 PM, Σκιάχτρο said:

    no stupid money gains

    hey whats so stupid about money gains, when i finish all my ideas and that would be around the time the polarcaps melt and pope becomes a muslim, imma host my serv publicly + get 1 more host domain for my money laundring bussines and gonna host it all in iran, they have no compliance with anything legal from the west lol and i found some really good hosts there matter a fact .b

  3. Hi I'm back :b hope I'll have some time to get back to anything of this wow stuff

    So started compiling legion trinitycore got stuck at extractor.bat ( mapextractor.exe mmaps_generator.exe vmap4assembler.exe and vmap4extractor.exe) not extracting anything, giving an error.

    Asked on ther forums then Aokromes told me to put common.dll into the wow folder, but left me in a blind alley cos I dont know where that common.dll should be? My retail Blizz legion folder doesnt have a common.dll??

    trying to compile on win10, any help appreciated



  4. hey, u no what u could try..

    update your Core, DBC ( CharSection.dbc files) and update your Interface .lua and .xml files ?


    point being noone ever did it, or atleast publicly released anything like that so its up to you to crack it(exe?) and maek a nice tutorial after that too ofc ???? (*^_^*)

    and i hef to b really cozy when i read it PopularFlashyAegeancat-size_restricted.g

  5. dont know what that loginscreen exe removed but it probably wasnt edited for +races, or else they would mention that? :b maybe

    i remmeber opeining an exe year ago with 010 or something, ++notepad? anyway i found races were listed a few times but that was the only time i did something like that, its pretty hacky fucked up, you cant read the data clearly only some lines or something  

  6. did u manage to do this on cata? and what races did u try to add, duplicated human?or failed textures on everyone

    i dont think theres any tutorial on this execpt 335, so get to the bottom of this ppl really stupid retail is on expansion nr zillion and this was done only on wrath? ,b I still didn't come to this part with +races but was something I had planned, so plz help him out and dont make me solve this issue..

    cos when i solve hot burning issues its revolutionary, ground-breaking.. breath taking.. like when I enabled all race-class combos after 335.. so guys plz.. I cant carry dis hole place all the time..

  7. On 12/22/2017 at 7:27 PM, Skarn said:

    You can also leave a sort of signature inside the files, so the fact that you've made the file can be easily proved


    Yea this what Skarn said, I'm making a lot of custom content and I've decided I'm gonna put my server URL all over the place, if your doing creative stuff there's endless possibility u have a whole world to advertise on e.g u can put it on the skybox clouds with your server name, place it everywhere so its hard for them to erase cos you incorporate it into art

    Or u can make threads on the internet about some trolls and their reputation infront of other anonymous trolls/users 

    Or u can sue them if u got that option that would certainly be neat, or you can just go beserk buy a gun get their IPs and go there and shoot them !! thatll show em, I'm rooting for option 4  gogogo!

  8. im not afraid of u and im half muslim myself and i might blow u up if im in a bad mood kiddo

    and im gonna make satyr like babylonian/muslim something playable race, and im gonna make them take over silvermoon lol like refugees and turn it into a serious shithole

  9. lol farrarie, no one is saying adspartans tool is bad but obviously didint help him much  ???? ????  he told me that in private messaging too

    you're all worked up cos u think i wanna get money but thing is i was joking i never did wow freelance work, and your appreciation for adspartans tool and your beliefs that he should get all the money in the world is nice too but you should keep it to yourself not impose it on others. urge everyone around to lick his balls cos he made a wow tool

    philiptng maps are a finished product and are obviously different then an editing tool, its up to darkero here to see what works best for him, i know i was happy with phillips maps, if your insting that much on him using the multicoventer you couldve just ported the higlands and help him not play the moral police and be worried if someone is getting money where u think others should be getting something based on your own merit system that exists only in your head 

  10. philliptng maps are great no bugs, better then all the micromanaging u would need with the multiconverter, it would be a great asset and think im gonna upload it somewhere and people can improve it further hopefully, like remove fatigue of new zones maybe add further expansions maps(?) or something

    it is a few years old but unfortunately seems like the most complete comprehensive map out there thats noggit ready

    edit:uploaded here darkero