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File Comments posted by Ohai

  1. I've just done it with maps, so it needs textures and models to not crash?

    Can you tell me or anyone else if they know exactly, what of this is necessary at least for noggit. I would like to be able to edit it there and later port it to a higher expansion. https://gyazo.com/e1b284d2bde45a98330246f3e1cfb242

    and one more question, what does this checkmark do https://gyazo.com/6d805e560a2f30af6cb0824a71cfeaa8 ?

  2. hey you said 


    Warning: don't take the WDL files from blizzard, they have changed and causes wow error.

    Does that mean I should delete each Blizzard WDL file in all map folders?

    I converted the whole legion maps folder, made 3 patches to add it to WotLK, but keeps crashing game and noggit. I even deleted /maps in other Blizz MPQs to see if its clashing but still didn't work.