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Everything posted by Gurluas

  1. Version 0.10.6337


    MyWarcraftStudio was a tool made by Linghuye. It was capable of exploring models, creatures and much more in early WoW versions. Displaying and saving textures, even opening DBCs. Sadly it does not seem to be compatible with custom MPQs. But it works perfectly with Vanilla and the TBC alpha. It was designed for alpha version 5665, but it also works for versions close to it such as 5610 and for vanilla.
  2. Version 1.0.8b-beta


    Jm2converter is a jar tool that can port models from WoD to Wotlk, TBC, and Vanilla. It was originally made by Koward but is pretty hard to find nowadays. Here are the instructions: "##Usage (example with Frog.m2) : This is a Java command-line tool. You may need to install Java : Install Java And setup paths for your environment : PATH and CLASSPATH Command line : java -jar jm2converter.jar -in "Frog.m2" -out "FrogConverted.m2" <OPTIONS> ##Usage with whole folders(only in oppahansi's version) Command line : java -jar jm2converter.jar -in "path/to/inputFolder/" -out "path/to/outputfolder/" <OPTIONS> The "/" or "" at the end of paths is important. New option is -f for whole folders. Only in oppahansi's version. Type java -jar jm2converter.jar to get a list of all converting options and two examples Beware, when you retroport a model, you always lose some data (the newer client features) and you won't be able to get them back if you up convert it back later. The Legion support is still changing. The game is still in Beta so the M2 format changes. Right now it should work up to build 20810." These instructions are also included in the download. Enjoy!
  3. Does anyone have the Jm2converter and the instructions for it? The github has been removed and I can't seem to find any mirror. I need to convert model from Wotlk and BC to Vanilla. EDIT: After some searching I managed to find it. If like me you were missing it, here it is: And here's the instructions: World of Warcraft Universal Model Converter. Works using the jM2lib project. Still early prototype. ##Usage (example with Frog.m2) : This is a Java command-line tool. You may need to install Java : Install Java And setup paths for your environment : PATH and CLASSPATH Command line : java -jar jm2converter.jar -in "Frog.m2" -out "FrogConverted.m2" <OPTIONS> ##Usage with whole folders(only in oppahansi's version) Command line : java -jar jm2converter.jar -in "path/to/inputFolder/" -out "path/to/outputfolder/" <OPTIONS> The "/" or "" at the end of paths is important. New option is -f for whole folders. Only in oppahansi's version. Type java -jar jm2converter.jar to get a list of all converting options and two examples Beware, when you retroport a model, you always lose some data (the newer client features) and you won't be able to get them back if you up convert it back later. The Legion support is still changing. The game is still in Beta so the M2 format changes. Right now it should work up to build 20810. ##What's yet to be implemented : BC => LK up-conversion. MDX <=> Classic conversion (needs MDX support in jM2lib first) ##Known issues : Ribbons are sometimes funky. Colors may go weird, like yellow instead of purple. Report new ones in the GitHub issue tracker ! Some models with shaders, like FandralFireCat, are not properly displayed in old clients. ##Credits : Thanks to all the guys who test this to find bugs !
    This is amazing! It is such a good collection of files that are extremely useful for any work you'd need to make! Seriously, Kudos so much for this collection! 10/10!
  4. I work for a project which currently requires quite the unusual commission. You will of course be paid well for this! We need the Cata Goblin animations rigged to the Wotlk Goblin model, and potentially some hairstyles ported too or fixed. More details follow once in the talks, you must obviously be skilled in Wow model editing. PM me if interested!
  5. The Character model, both male and female. If you're interested in the commission I can PM you on Discord.
  6. To be more precise, we want the Cata Goblin animations fully working on the Wotlk Goblin mesh.
  7. I am currently looking for someone willing to undertake this effort. The UI_RS_SCOURGE is a 2001 female Forsaken model. I'd like to have it in working conditions for a project so it can be used as a creature model. Either a rig port or a direct animation port will do. UI_RS_SCOURGE can be found under: Interface/Glues/Models/UI_RS_SCOURGE PM me if you're interested. I am able to donate through paypal as payment (Donation button is required, google how to set one up, it's easy). It is preferred if the finished product is for 3.3.5, but I am able to downport. Payment will be agreed upon during discussions.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This is a recreation of the 2001 Alpha wow Barn seen in early trailers. It is an m2 and based on the Duskwood barn which is the same building. (The church in the screenshot is not included here) The barn is fully functional but like its Duskwood counterpart it lacks collision. Furthermore, the barn needs to be added to the gameobjectdisplayinfo to be spawnable. If used in noggit it works without any modification. The barn is for 3.3.5.
  9. I've been looking for a 1.12 vanilla Gameobjectdisplayinfo with all models added, does anyone have one? I've only been able to find it for 3.3.5. Any help would be greatly appreciared.
  10. Try using the Vulpera from the early alpha, might be more similar to Legion?
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is the female Vulpera pirate ported to 3.3.5 as a test. Patch-V.mpq
  12. I can't seem to open any new online archives with Cascexplorer, it just crashes when trying to open an archive. Only wow beta works now. Cascexplorer was last update August 4th, yet nobody seems to give a damn that it doesn't work anymore? What gives? How are you extracting stuff? EDIT: Fix here:
  13. So I'm trying to make a new loading screen, I save it as a png using paint, size 1024x1024, then I convert it to a blp. But when I run it ingame, it's just neon green. Any idea how to fix it?
  14. How do you even port WMOs to 3.3.5 from Legion? I haven't seen any released other than the ones in that Alpha pack. Are people just hoarding everything now? There's very little stuff being released.
  15. The game actually has a model for the Warcraft 3 era Pre-TFT Steam Tank in the Vanilla Dwarf character creation screen. There is a ruined one in the game. but the only intact one is in the character creation screen. I'd be really thankful if someone could rip this out of the character creation model, and turn it into a standard doodad for 3.3.5.
  16. I tested it. Draenei males crash and Draenei females have their eyes missing the glow. The others seem to work, except for one big issue. All their head geosets appear in the neck. Any idea how to fix it? EDIT: I may have found a fix, using 010editor you can edit the attachments so they match the original models.
  17. So in Legion they updated all the vanilla models with new animations which is pretty cool if you want to stick to those model but have better anims. However when I tried to port it, it resulted in this. Anyway to fix it?
  18. It's 3.3.5 and it's definitely number 3. The problem is, I don't know how the texture file gets damaged. It's not indexed or anything. The reason I didn't ask is because of the possibility that it was a known issue. EDIT: Heres the file, can someone look it over?
  19. Well you can always recolor her tabard to have the Argent logo
  20. I'm surprised you're porting standard Johanna and not the Spellbreaker one. I take it you're not gonna use this for a wow server but a special project?
  21. Actually I think they were elsewhere. There is a folder containing materials or something. heroes.stormmod\base.stormassets\Assets\Textures It should be here. They are .dds and not .blp, Irfanview can convert them to PNG, and then you should be able to convert them to BLP.
  22. Textures are separate yes, but the m3 should contain the UV map and such.
  23. I really want to port the Plainsrunning spell to 3.3.5, yet the spell format is vastly different from TBC to 3.3.5 and I could simply not make it work. did anyone succeed or have an understanding on how to properly port it?