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Posts posted by leeviathan

  1. I'd love a mod manager, something that can take a list of MPQ patches and merge their DBC edits. For me, merging DBC files is no problem, but for the average user it's not possible without requesting it from the mod creator. If I could include a mod manager with my mods it would cut out a lot of questions and requests that I get regarding mod compatibility.

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  2. On 4/17/2018 at 3:55 PM, Ghaster said:

    The animation bugs are due to the key bones, remove all key bone references < 26.


    Wait would this fix the issue where BfA models work in WotLK but their animations won't loop in BC/CL? If so that's exactly the issue I'm having as well, but I'm not sure what exactly "remove all key bone references < 26" means...also not all BfA models with more-than 26 keybone references have this animation issue.

    EDIT: Thanks to Ghaster for clarifying for me. The solution for fixing non-looping animations is to set all KeyBoneID references over 26 to -1 in the "struct Bones" section of the .M2

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  3. I recently released my WoD Character Models for 2.4.3 (see here: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=13815.0 ) and everything is working except this strange new issue with the game stuttering/freezing every time a patched-in character model is loaded.

    It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the WoD character models in particular, but rather changing ANY character model; I've tested ports from vanilla, wotlk, etc. Even switching .M2s from the very same client all cause the same issue; for example: just renaming DraeneiFemale.m2 to BloodElfMale.m2 and placing it in the Character/BloodElf/Male/ directory causes the same hiccup to occur when the client loads BloodElfMale.m2

    In fact, changing even 1-bit of superficial information in the hex code of any patched-in character .M2 file will cause the issue; for example: in 010 editor changing the model name from "DraeneiFemale" to "DraeneiFemalf" does it, so does just changing the the client version from a "7" to "4".

    Does anyone have any insight on this issue? Could this be some kind of anti-cheat thing? It happens on every server I've tested on. Help wanted, thanks!


    UPDATE: Of course I'd figure out a solution 10 minutes after posting after weeks and weeks of struggling to find a solution. The solution, or hacky work-around, was to change the location of the character models from "Character\..." to "Creature\..." and update the CreatureModelData.DBC file to reflect this.

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  4. I think it's because the Vanilla client always shows unknown geosets whereas the TBC client always hides unknown geosets (in this case the belt geoset is unknown 1801)

    Anyway I ported the WoD characters to TBC - http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=13815 - There's still an issue with the swap-weapon emotes for some models, plus there's this new really annoying issue where the game stutters every time it loads a patched-in character model (EDIT: fixed this issue).