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Posts posted by Valaryon

  1. Mereldar Monastery from the Prophecy RP Team. Mereldar Monastery named from the famed sister of General Lordain (Lordaeron's namesake) and fore-mother of the Church of the Holy Light. Mereldar Monastery was a proud bastion of Lordaeron's priesthood - a center for learning and enlightenment. Many aspiring Paladins train and learn here before their induction into the Order of the Silver Hand.

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  2. Balnir Farmstead from the Prophecy RP Team. Balnir Farmstead is the site of the Royal Horsebreeder of Lordaeron. Many nobles of Lordaeron received their loyal steeds from the renowned breeder Balnir. Arthas himself received his famed steed Invincible from Balnir's stables. Every fall when the Wickerman festival draws near, Balnir tears out his crops and hosts a local horse racing competition.

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  3. On 5/23/2019 at 5:51 AM, luzifix said:

    Its funny how anyone try to rebuild my housing system :D

    PS: This was one of the first version of the System. Currently it looks like this: image.thumb.png.37f98623f6c4028fcc72f8400382e6ab.png

    The concept of having gobject placement as spells (and the '3D' rendering) has existed forever. Nobody is copying your idea.

  4. 19 hours ago, JohnnyCrit said:

    Hello guys,


    I would like to change the model from Tome of the Wilds: Treant Form to Incarnation: Tree of Life but I don't have I idea how. I don't need something special, just want my druid to be a cool looking tree of life.

    Would be amazing if someone could help me with that.

    Thanks a lot



    Hey JohnnyCrit,

    Whilst I don't have an answer to your question I want to warn you that modifying local files (even if you're the only one who can see them) can and will get you suspended on retail World of Warcraft. Last month there was a huge banwave of users who modified their local files to edit their characters or spell effects. Just be aware of this before you continue.

  5. Agamand Mills from the Prophecy RP Team.

    The Agamand Mills was a vast windmill network once controlled by the Agamand family in northern Tirisfal Glades. The Agamand family was a noble land owning family who owned much of Tirisfal Glades securing vast wealth from owning Lordaeron's windmills and thus securing much political influence.


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  6. Brill by the Prophecy RP Team.

    Directly outside of Lordaeron's Capitol City lies the heartland town of Brill. Brill's most significant feature and yet its most unfortunate is its graveyard. The vast graveyard of Brill serves as the final resting place for many lords and heroes of the Second War. Tirisfal was the site of the peak of the conflict during the Second War, and thus many of the dead had to be hastily buried here. Besides it's most depressing feature, Brill serves as the cross-roads for those going through the Tirisfal Glades.

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  7. Vandermar Village by the Prophecy RP Team.

    Located in the western hills of the Tirisfal Glades lies the small and unremarkable village of Vandermar. Vandermar village survives off its dwindling coal mine and the fact it has the only church for miles around. This section of Tirisfal is full of ancient lore and history dating back to unrecorded Human history, many legendary figures from the Troll Wars were buried in the graveyard south of the town.

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  8. What do you mean by "big enough to take my map"? Is the MPQ Editor crashing?

    If so, you need to do this --


    This will change the max MPQ file size. The vanilla size is significantly smaller than the WotLK size. From my experience I was capped at 300mb on the vanilla MPQ, and the largest I've made on the WotLK MPQ was 15GB.

  9. Winterax Hold by the Prophecy RP Team. Split off from their people by the sundering over ten thousand years ago, the Winterax Tribe has weathered the storm that most Ice Trolls could not. The Winterax Tribe dwells deep within the Alterac Valley, living off what scarce resources remain in the valley and avoiding the ire of the Alliance. The Frostwolves and Thrall's new Horde have got their attention however, as their once lonely valley has now been filled with Orcs. Only time will tell if the Winterax Tribe will be friend or foe to this 'Horde'.

    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

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  10. Frostwolf Village by the Prophecy RP Team. Exiled from the Horde during the First War, the remnants of the Frostwolf Clan do their best to remain hidden and avoid conflict with the Alliance. Years prior, the Frostwolf Clan was guided by elemental spirits to this serene location hidden within the Alterac Mountains. Led by Drek'Thar the Frostwolf Clan live lives of peace and rekindle their relationship with the elements that was lost during the days of the Old Horde. Under a new banner Thrall's New Horde has sealed the loyalty of the Frostwolf Clan however, most Frostwolves including their chieftain Drek'Thar have opted to remain in the Alterac Valley whilst giving support to Thrall in Kalimdor.

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  11. Fort Perenolde by the Prophecy RP Team. Hidden deep within the Alterac mountains, the last son to the Alterac Throne, Aliden Perenolde gathers his strength from within Fort Perenholde. Fort Perenolde is a refuge and trading hub for all types of low-lifes and criminals where each individual can find exotic goods, food and slaves looted from the various caravans the Alliance sends near the Alterac Mountains. Fort Perenolde is the only location controlled by humans that will tolerate the Horde. However, Perenolde permits the enslavement of Orcs so it is far from the safest refuge for the Horde. Anyone looking for safety from the Alliance or the Horde will surely end up in Perenolde's debt or will be left to face the harsh elements of Alterac alone.

    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

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  12. Strahnbrad by the Prophecy RP Team. Strahnbrad was once part of the Kingdom of Alterac, a quickly growing town on the border between Alterac and Lordaeron. After the Kingdom of Alterac betrayed the Alliance in the Second War, Strahnbrad remained and was taken under the protection of Lordaeron. However, after the fall of Alterac the former nobles of Alterac continuously harass, raid and cause havoc in the town. Over the last decade Strahnbrad has turned from one of the Alliance's most promising towns into a decrepit and decaying settlement.


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  13. Durnholde Keep by the Prophecy RP Team. Durnholde Keep, command center for the Alliance Internment Camps and under the rule of Lieutenant General Aedelas Blackmoore. Durnholde Keep is the site Warchief Thrall was raised in, and it's home to more Orcs than any other internment camp. It's also the best defended, and the most notable of the interment camps. Warchief Thrall is determined to liberate the Orcs within this camp as a sign to the Alliance that no Orc can be chained.

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  14. Tulak'Watha by the Prophecy RP Team. Centuries after the Troll Wars, many of its remnants still stand. Tulak'Watha was once a village used to reinforce and resupply the great Amani army as it surged throughout Lordaeron and Hillsbrad. After the Amani's crushing defeat in Alterac the village was sacked and its inhabitants slaughtered. Now, Tulak'Watha is scarcely populated with what Forest Trolls remain. Centuries have passed and a burning vengeance to avenge their ancestors defeat still lies in the heart of each Forest Troll.

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  15. Silverlaine Keep by the Prophecy RP Team. Silverlaine Keep lies on the high bluffs above Pyrewood Village and is ruled by Baron Silverlaine, a Gilnean nobleman. Since the completion of the Greymane Wall however, Baron Silverlaine and the citizens of Pyrewood have been cut off from Gilneas. Without the supplies and support of Gilneas, Baron Silverlaine has been forced to kneel to Lordaeron and request aid. Now, with the unofficial annexation of the lands north of the Greymane Wall, the nobleman must maintain a hostile land full of desperate and disgruntled peasants.

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  16. Thrall's Encampment by the Prophecy RP Team.  Following the Second War, all of the Orcs that weren't captured and enslaved by the Alliance were forced into hiding. Thrall's Encampment lies hidden in the reaches of the Hillsbrad Foothills, where Warchief Thrall ponders on his plan to free his people from the shackles of Durnholde.

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  17. Tarren Mill by the Prophecy RP Team. Tarren Mill is a thriving yet insignificant town following the Second War. One of the few sites to avoid the conflict, Tarren Mill lies in the north-easternmost reaches of the Hillsbrad Foothills. A perfect location to settle down with a family, without danger and without worry. Since the sacking of Alterac, Tarren Mill sees fewer visitors but nonetheless it's a small gem of Lordaeron's beauty.

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  18. Southshore by the Prophecy RP Team. During the Second War, Southshore was used as a staging point for refugees after Stormwind had been destroyed by the Horde. Many citizens of Stormwind settled near Soutshore and as a result Southshore transformed into a busy seaport and military port for the Alliance. Late in the Second War the Horde would eventually conquer and raze Southshore to the ground. Now, years after the Second War, Southshore has been restored to its former glory and contains a resource rich strategic location for the Alliance.

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  19. Hillsbrad Fields by the Prophecy RP Team. The Hillsbrad Fields lie on western Hillsbrad, directly south of Dalaran City. The Hillsbrad township was recently sacked and razed during the Second War, but since then has been restored to its former glory. The once township now village controls an important trade route to and from Dalaran City and with it, the protection of Dalaran itself.

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  20. Fenris Isle by the Prophecy RP Team. Fenris Isle lies on the eastern side of Silverpine Forest, directly in the center of Lordamere Lake. Fenris Isle is a thriving military and trade outpost under the control of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The Isle is an important trade location for Lordaeron. Its ferry has access to Lordaeron Keep, Silverpine Forest and Dalaran City which drastically cuts import and exports between the Kingdoms.

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  21. Pyrewood Village by the Prophecy RP Team. Pyrewood Village is located in the southern reaches of Silverpine Forest, shadowed by Silverlaine Keep. After the construction of the Greymane Wall, Pyrewood Village was abandoned by Gilneas. As a result many Silverlaine soldiers and civilians from Pyrewood have lost access to their friends and relatives. Now, Lordaeron has all but annexed Pyrewood Village, offering supplies via trade and work to the Gilneans who were betrayed by their King.

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  22. The Silverpine Memorial by the Prophecy RP Team. The Silverpine Memorial is located in western Silverpine. This memorial was originally a graveyard for those who had to be hastily buried during the conflicts of the Second War. Now, with King Terenas' grace it has been turned into a memorial site for all the unknown dead and those who could not be buried with their ancestors because of the Second War conflicts.

    We're always open to criticisms, if you see something you don't like or think of a way we can improve let us know!

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