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Posts posted by ladiszlai

  1. Hi !

    Does someone know how to create a new spell in 7.3.5 client ? I have lot of custom spell in wotlk and I like to port them to legion, but the spell db2s are really different from wotlk. 

  2. On 3/20/2019 at 8:21 PM, Skarn said:

    Who said that? It is not canceled but delayed due to my health condition.

    Oh sorry then ! I tought it because there were no new updates . Get better and good luck with the project ! :)

    On 3/21/2019 at 12:09 PM, Σκιάχτρο said:

    i will send u 500 kg diazepam plz finish this bro. we all count on u.

    Well, you can donate him.