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Image Comments posted by Supora

  1. So it uses: 
    RGB Blendmap(Combined Alphamaps)
    4 tileset textures and 4 of those textures with alpha (_h ones)
    And I have a control of all I needed: Texture scale, Texture HeightScale and HeightOffset
    If someone knows how to make vec4 in blender pls tell me cause right now I'm using groups of groups of groups of nodes with just floats(even RGB math is done via separating it to R  G and B.

  2. О, так этот проект еще в работе? Я помню его запуск, жаль не долго музыка играла. Где-то на моем ПК должны быть скрины того времени. А вот видоса, в котором был превью моего фикса для одного квеста не осталось. Ностальжи

    • Like 1

  3. Looks pretty nice with those rocks. BTW I've also started to make dota map based on your reference image. And I decided to make collision in "forest" area with terrain rocks and I've also decided to use terrain ramps instead of m2s. large.WoWScrnShot_031616_220425.jpg.8391large.WoWScrnShot_031616_220527.jpg.d58dlarge.WoWScrnShot_031616_212734.jpg.95e2

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  4. You can make a wmo for collision.  Such as the one from SoTA battleground. If you're interested in such a way of adding collision to your map I can help you with getting your terrain in blender so you could build your collision.

  5. Very interesting. Since you can import your maps from Blender, I guess the process can be done the other way around to import already made mountain shapes.

     Visually speaking, it's still too vanilla-ish.

    Looks kinda simple but you must understand tha this was made in less than two days

  6. base-bg.png


    firstly I've making alphamaps for rocks, then making basic heightmap fo this alphamap contours, then add second heightmap for rock which is made from alphamaps by bluring it. Combine all those heighmaps in blender and then baking displacement from one mesh to plane and get final image. Then get adt files with FractalWoW, fix normals in noggit, add texture layers here, then inject alphamaps with FuTa.

  7. Comparsion


    This is awesome. How do you import it form blender into wow?

    Check release section. I've uploaded a program by Morfium from modcraft that can bring heightmap images to adt files

  8. render3.png


    This is second version which was made in smthng like 10 minutes after the first one. Plus 20 minutes for material setup and rendering in blender.

  9. render2.png


    Just test of making displacement maps from alpha maps. Rendered in blender with objects as particles(flowers, trees, rocks). Rendering second version with "painted" rocks.