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Tutorial Comments posted by WithinAmnesia

  1. Hey Elrena I tried to do Step 1 of your tutorial with converting a Classic 1.12.1 WoW dbc.MPQ file via DBCUntil and it crashes on use and does not convert the classic dbc.MPQ file. I made a copy of the dbc.MPQ and pasted it in the DBCUntil's tool file (thinking that might help) and still it refuses to work with a 1.12.1 classic WoW dbc.MPQ file. Do you know a solution to this problem that could work with a Classic WoW client Elrena?

  2. hey is it true that Czech people commonly lack a middle name?

    Surprisingly enough, a giant lot of people around the world lacks a middle name.

    Okay, hmm this makes me very intrigued.. Is it actually the case that the majority of people lack a middle name?