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Comments posted by Finsternis

  1. [[Template collab/front/global/commentTableHeader does not exist. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    On 9/7/2021 at 9:15 AM, Snicky said:

    Hello, the download link is dead.

    Thx, fixed.

  2. [[Template collab/front/global/commentTableHeader does not exist. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    This goes a bit to the wrong adress^^. Whisper me or ask on modcraft.

    At my last update i warn about that change so that you can edit it by yourself, before you overwrite it. i will not go back to them .

    So if you still have the old patch delete all folders without the ridinghorse one and rename the patch to Patch-H.


  3. [[Template collab/front/global/commentTableHeader does not exist. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    13 hours ago, Razudesu said:

    Hello @leeviathan and thank you for your beautiful work. I want to know how can i make your patch work with finsternis creature models and if that is even possible? with your patch and @Finsternis creature models, the npcs have bland faces, no models just some bad textures. Thank you.  
    I have: patch-4.MPQ(Character Models) from you, patch-G and patch-H(Legion+BFA creature models), and patch-T +patch-3(Tilesets) from Finsternis.

    Hey , good job as always leeviathan^^.

    My Creature and tileset mods  have no problems with this one. Just delete my Patch-A and Patch-K. And care patch-3  is a original file on wotlk. I have a patch-3 but that is for tbc and classic.