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Status Replies posted by Zehlendorf

  1. Stuck in my head. One of my champ's have a problem with upshowing weapons of npc's. Somebody have a straight tut for me?

    1. Zehlendorf


      That's all I did and it worked, I remember it was a headache because I had created custom bosses but the weapon did not show, after doing the steps of the video everything was perfect, I doubt there is any command or something similar. Good Luck

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Stuck in my head. One of my champ's have a problem with upshowing weapons of npc's. Somebody have a straight tut for me?

    1. Zehlendorf


      Hmm i had that problem, but was because i use a custom Item.dbc, and I do all the steps in the video, first generate in my db all the missed items that are in the originally Item.dbc, then generate a new Item.dbc with all that missed items and the custom ones, then all the npcs in this case the guardians of stormwind or orgrimmar appears with their own weps without any problem.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Stuck in my head. One of my champ's have a problem with upshowing weapons of npc's. Somebody have a straight tut for me?

  4. Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all had a jolly one :^)

    1. Zehlendorf


      Merry christmas for you too!.