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Tutorial Comments posted by Gratural

  1. A wonderfull tool, as always!

    I made a small script that can automatic split your terrain mesh and save them as single ADT files.

    1. Your terrain must be target of ADT_Template and they must be hidden.
    2. You should move ADT_Template to upper left of your Terrain.
    3. Now you shall to open the script, change a variables and run it.
    Happy splitting!

  2. shilen, i been have same trouble (With 2.79 Blender)

    In wmo script action "wmo_fill_textures" works correctly only when all models and textures packed into MPQ.

    You must pack your custom assets or edit .py file, where just do disabling loaded game data check.

    My decision - making custom script for renaming materials. Something like this :)

    class Fill_WMO_Textures(bpy.types.Operator):
        bl_idname = 'scene.wmo_fill_textures'
        bl_label = 'Fill textures'
        bl_description = """Fill Texture 1 field of WoW materials with paths from applied image. """
        bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
        def execute(self, context):
            for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects:
                mesh =
                for i in range(len(mesh.materials)):
                    if mesh.materials[i].active_texture is not None \
                            and not mesh.materials[i].WowMaterial.Texture1 \
                            and mesh.materials[i].active_texture.type == 'IMAGE' \
                            and mesh.materials[i].active_texture.image is not None:
                        path = os.path.normcase(bpy.context.scene['MWOTexturePath'] + os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(mesh.materials[i].active_texture.image.filepath)[0]) + '.blp')
                        mesh.materials[i].WowMaterial.Texture1 = path
      {'INFO'}, "Done filling texture paths")
            return {'FINISHED'}


  3. Thank, nice guide to action.

    One more trick - Fly mode. Perfect tool for overwiev and camera move across your wmo's. Hotkeys: enable mod Shift+F, moving WASD, Shift - moving acceleration, Space - jump to target face, G - enable gravity, LMB - exit fly mode.

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