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Posts posted by Gratural

  1. 2 hours ago, darthy said:

    Server mmap, vmap, map generator that can generate maps for our custom maps created in noggit. TC extractors often crash because modders have custom and retroported models on adts and wdts also can be corrupted from the extractor's view. TC developers do not expect that we will make custom maps. It is developed for blizzlike LK servers.

    darthy, try make they on Debian

  2. On 12/19/2019 at 3:24 AM, hobowilly said:
    1. Go to the end of the table and see what ID is the latest. Memorize it
    2. ... Enter a free ID here. (Last UID + 1)

    Dnt do it. Because all DBC tables are checked by last line number on serverside.

    If you have files in folder "C:/Users/epicb/Desktop/World of Warcraft/World of Warcraft 3.3.5a\DBFilesClient", Noggit are rewrite all same DBC tables from MPQ . Rename or erase it all. Or

    For easy modding, make same path to Project and WoW destination . And use patched wow.exe.

    And be happy, without MPQ patches and client restart.

  3. jhoancito, your mistake - config file are readed by confmanager only one time - in world.cpp

    Add in to he your additional parametet (see boolean section in World::LoadConfigSettings)

    And two, are you really need set this parameter in your config if he are enabled, as i understand, always?

  4. Classic  procedural generated sky are, hardcoded. Can only change color and density.

    For search (and change) any Skybox

    1. See in Lightmaper  Lightid for needed area.

    2. Find this ID in Light.dbc 

    3. Remember Lightparams_0-3 (0-sunny, 1-underwater, 2-storm, 3 - underwater storm)

    4. In LightParams.dbc see all this LightSkyboxID 

    5. And find him in LightSkybox.dbc

  5. Today i tried run latest QT Noggit on old PC platform, (1366) with Xeon  and  sloooow GPU.

    Running  (by default) Noggit on all PC cores,  (of couse:)) - has low FPS

    But when i run it on only one core, i get FPS bust more than 50%!

    Can someone test, so it actually  for newested PC platform (AM4, 1151, 2011)?





  6. Principliablity, i dont use free hosting - they has no support, no varranty of saving date, have a high latency and wild overselling))

    Only for around 250rub in month, you can rent VDS with 1 cores, 1Gb RAM, and 20GB SSD Drive. Anytime you can increase number of cores\memory. 

    Lately i use - they have balanced cost, responsive support, flexible VDS configuration, and placed in Msk.

    Also you can rent VPN and make port forwarding to your PC\Virtual PC with configured WoW servers.

    For 100 pl, you needed at least 2 Cores. For build TrinityCore - 2Gb RAM(withot RAM drive, which increase building progress more that 10 times)

  7. Hi, Amaroth, thank you for the channel, we will follow!)) 
    Personally, I would be interested to know more about:
    - WMO editing: fully creating into 3D editor, geoset managment, adding model sets, making maps and minimaps and placing dark corners;
    - Project sequrity: hiding custom content mpq, project team access managment, server protection;
    - Working with DBC tables: detailled lessons about light, environment sounds, fog and skyboxes;

  8. Thoraric, for each model with transparent, you must make 2 steps.

    1. Edit leaves texture into PS - clear green filling around leaves. 

    2. Set transparent flag into 010 Editor - open your M2, move to struct RenderFlags, and set blendingmode=RM_AlphaTesting(1) for your leaves geosets ))

  9. Сloud file storage. Like Dropbox, Google Drive or Yandex.disc. With SVN for keeping different versions of files.

    But. You must organize access managment and backup for all your progect files. And you must have trust to each developers. Because any user can destroy all your progect)) 

    Хотя яндекс нахер. Мыло поприличней.

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  10. Sry for my English

    Не могу понять логики работы палитры тайтлов: в окне загрузки наборов только кривой dragonblight. Загрузка всех тайтлов загружает только уже использованные adt текстуры. Это фича или баг?

    И вопрос знатокам - баг с удалением объектов из мира при сохранении исправлен? Если сохранять несколько раз, не перезапуская Ногит.