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Posts posted by Soldan

  1. 7 minutes ago, piccolodmq said:

    I have somewhat, transalated some of this files.    But I cant make  them work as one file.   If anyone wants to help with this task, I will share what I have done so far?  (in other work i got them to work as individual patches (warrior patch, druid patch, etc) but cant get them to work all at the same time.

    If you merge the dbc lines from each patch in to one, it should work. Each patch overrides the one before it, if you have the same file (in this case, a .dbc) it will only load the lines from the last one.

  2. 4 hours ago, wungasaurus said:


    There is ZERO guessing in file data ids. There is NO need to know any filename. The "everything is in the same folder" assumption is weird and absurd. Just fucking map file data ids to files, extract them, call them whatever you want (although I suggest just calling them something with the id in the filename) and add it.

    Just take TXID, look at the ids in it, use cascexplorer or or whatever to map it to a file, download/extract the file, call it whatever the fuck you want, add that string to the m2, change the offset to the newly added string and you're done.

    No guessing. No estimating. No WMV and looking at geosets. No "all in the folder". Full support for models you don't even know the fucking name for.


  3. Hey guys,

     I worked out a little solution for the new texture IDs, but it's a manual one rather than a script - as my 010 scripting knowledge doesn't reach that far.


    As mentioned above, the creaturedisplayinfo textures work fine (id 11,12 and 13) as it points straight to the DBC. As you can see in the wiki, for hardcoded textures.. there is a new TXID that points to filedata to get the texture.

    As you guys know (and thanks blizzard) - for some time now every texture a creature has, including particle textures, is in the actual creature's folder. Unlike in WoTLK, where mostly all particles were reused from the same direcory (usually some WMO with 999 folders) makes things A LOT easier when fixing them.

    So basically, take all the textures you see in the folder (that you want to set hardcoded), and add them to the end of the .m2 file in 010. Then, for each texture take the offset where you placed it and length of the texture and apply the values in the texture struct.

    It is a bit of a pain in the ass having to do it manually, so if anyone can work out a script (although it would either need to read the fileID externally, or manual input) - please be my guest lol.




  4. Hey man, 

    I feel you - I've had that happen to me before and it is annoying at the start (especially when the leechers are selling your models on their donation shop - this happened to me recently with another server). However, you just have to look past it and try to change your mentality towards leeching.

    Rather than cursing and hating them, you should instead feel quite proud. You know what they say:


    The best compliment someone could give you is to copy you.

    The fact that they took the stuff, custom models usually being the case - simply shows that they are admitting your content is good (probably better than they could do combined), and that you have superior skill to them when it comes to creating said models. If they leeched it, it usually means it is quite good. 

    And it isn't just you or me saying that, it's them saying it as well with their actions.

    Hope this makes you feel atleast a little bit better




    • Like 1

  5. What model did you try changing the flag on?


    Ah, when I said 20, I meant displays.. It's only the monkeyking that doesn't work. (5 models, [6 now.. but 5 when I did them], x4 colors each = 20 displays).

    It took me alot of changing/tweaking textures, etc to get them all to work.

  6. I made them for MoP, but they mainly work for both, apart from the particle scripts. Although, it's very easy to change the value that determines the length of the particle structure, to make the script work for LK.

    Also, for your particle colors, last column in itemdisplayinfo.dbc. So far I've found these colors.
    Light blue (aqua): 841
    Light purple: 840  811
    Orange: 679
    Green: 813
    Yellow: 1194
    Red: 766

    Not sure if LK has those ids, but you could always port the values/lines from the MoP dbc to the LK one if the id's aren't added yet.

    Either that, or find other ids from searching the dbc, hehe.

    • Like 1

  7. I got it working in MoP after playing around with the texture and renderflags.. It took me a while, but I like the outcome:



    It's the same problem with the cataclysm+ models that have fading textures, such as the overfiend.. or the firehawk. The engine just doesn't support it, unfortunately.

    MoP was amazing to port them to.. from 850+ displays that I've made with all the items, only 20 or so don't work properly (the monkeyking staves.. mainly because they are upside down due to new sheath animations, etc).


    I also recommend, if you are porting legion artifacts to wotlk, some of them have phys files. Make a script to change the bone flags to billboarded where it is set to 1024 (phys), it will stop the erect geosets, and they will atleast move with the camera. 


    I plan on releasing all my scripts for porting, fixing particles, animations, phys'd bones, etc.

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  8. I really like the armor set. I prefer the second shoulders (with the horns) when it comes to a complete set. What I think though, is that seeing that it is an "emerald dream" inspired set, I really liked the curly rounded points on the shoulders, it really gave it an emerald dream feel.


    The downside to that, is that as you said, it didn't go with the helm at all. I just feel that with both the helm and the shoulders having horns, it sort of loses the emerald dream feeling to it (not sure if this is what you intended to do or not.. I'm assuming you are). 


    Have you tried keeping the original shoulders and changing the helm instead? Maybe changing the horns to curly points too would make it look good with the shoulders, and also keep the emerald dream feel to it.


    Just my two cents, either way, the armor is still awesome.