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Posts posted by sonixx

  1. Intro

    Hey all! First, I would like to say thanks for taking the time to read my post. I hope it is in the right section.


    I downloaded Nupper's (thank you Nup!) Artifact Weapon models converted to 3.3.5 format, and I have successfully implemented in a good bit of them into my game; however, I noticed that there were only main hand versions of certain items such as, for example, the demon hunter artifact weapons. My question is in order to obtain the offhand versions, should I go try to convert files myself to obtain those .m2s and .blps, or is there a different solution I haven't though of?  Unrelated question, but I also noticed some of the 2 handed weapons were sheathing weird (as shown in image), but they even have correct sheath ids. Is there a way to fix this, or again, would I have to convert some .m2s myself? 

    If my questions have already been answered elsewhere, I apologize. I have looked and not seen any information on it (maybe I overlooked something.) If you made it this far thanks again for reading my post!
