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File Comments posted by Atraxian

  1. 3 hours ago, Devilserg said:

    My friend, I have a question regarding the mounts. They work perfectly, but I noticed that the Nether Drakes I chosed not to use armor on appear as if they are wearing armor in the 'mount section.' However, when the player mounts them, they appear without armor. Is there any way to make them also appear without armor in the 'mount section'?


    Argh, I forgot about that. Sorry.
    I never found a solution for that apart from making different models with and without the armor...
    Sorry, I'll get down to it as soon as I have some free time and update the download.

    • Like 1

  2. 5 hours ago, Devilserg said:

    Hello. I'm having trouble understanding how to remove or add armor or a saddle. In the "geosetdata" cloumn, I can't input letters like "x" and changing the decimal value to "33" doens't seem to have any effect; the mount still wear armor and helmet. Could you tell me please how that works? 

    Using WDBX Editor, click on the column options and select Display as Heximage.png.60764c6d4b328d068eb23920101338a5.png


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  3. 14 hours ago, Devilserg said:

    Hello. Is there a way for the character to be positioned slightly higher so that the saddle doesn't clip through it?

    Sure, you can open the .m2 files with 010Editor, use the m2 template you can find on the download section of the site and change the Z axis value of the first attachment point.

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  4. You can use WDBXeditor to open the CreatureModelData.dbc, look for the line with the path for creature\dragon\onyxiandrake.mdx and change that. Then take note of the ModelID and look in CreatureDisplayData.dbc for the line with that model id and change the name of the textures to the correct ones.

  5. 11 hours ago, EvTech said:

    Hello everyone! Can you help me please? How i can add this to the client and the server?

    I'm kind of starved for time at the moment, so it will be only text. If something isn't clear, I'm pretty sure you can find more extensive guides or even videos on the net.

    First you need some tools to edit the files, I use:
    - WDBX Editor for the .dbc files
    - Ladiks MPQ editor for the client patch files
    - WoW Spell editor for making the new mount spells
    - HeidiSQL (or other editors) for implementing the creature in the database
    You can find most of them on this site or on github

    Step by step it goes like this:
    - Creating the MPQ file with the models
    1) create a new MPQ or open an already esisting MPQ (making a new one is the safer choice)
    2) create the "Creature" folder inside of the MPQ
    3) inside of the creature folder make another folder with the name of the creature you are importing (in the file there are already the correct names for the models)
    4) import the files of the model + textures inside of the folder
    5) save the .mpq in the "data" folder of your client with a name like "Patch-X.mpq" where X is a number of a letter.

    -Editing CreatureModelData.dbc
    1) open CreatureModelData.dbc with your .dbc editor
    2) create a new line for the new creature (I generally copy a line from a creature with a similar model and size)
    3) in the column with the path of the model file insert the patch and model name of the creature you want to import and you used on the .MPQ file you created previously.
    4) take note of the ID of the entry.

    -Editing CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc
    1) open the "CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc" and copy a row with a creature similar to the one you want to import
    2) in the model ID column use the ID you previously took note of
    3) in the "Texture Variations" columns write the path and name of the textures to use for the model
    4) Take note of the ID of the entry you just created.

    - Editing the Creature_Template table in the database
    1) open your server database with either Keira3 or HeidiSQL (or other editor)
    2) enter the Creature_Template table and copy a creature that roughly resembles one you are trying to port
    3) edit the name field to what you want
    4) edit the Model ID field with the ID you noted from the CreatureDisplayID.dbc
    5) Take note of the ID of your new database entry.

    - Creating the Mount Spell
    1) open Wow Spelleditor and copy a mount spell similar to the one you want to add
    2) go to the "Effects" tab and look between Effect 1, 2 and 3 which one is the mount effect
    3) change the "MiscValue A" to the dabase entry ID of the creature you just made
    4) change the name/decription of the spell and save it
    5) click on Expoort and then "Export to MPQ"
    6) go to the export folder of your WoW Spelleditor and copy the .dbc files into the "dbc" folder of your core
    7) open the patch-4.mpq file and add the CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and CreatureModelData.dbc into the "DBFilesClient" folder inside of the MPQ
    8 ) copy the .mpq file in the "data" folder of your client

    These should be the basic steps.

  6. PyModelEditor

       298    3

    A question about editing geosets: is there a way to remove some og the geosets form the model?
    For example ardenwealdstag.m2 has multiple versions of horns. Is there a way to remove some with this editor?