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File Comments posted by Callmephil

  1. 1 hour ago, wungasaurus said:

    And what was the problem/fix?

    for mounts speed, recent trinity core doesn't allow extra mounts for some unknown reason you have to use the old spell_generic script. for models i guess it's cache/server restart (if all content was added)

  2. 8 hours ago, Kaklam said:

    I haven't checked, but have you added icons from Legion?

    I also found another texture bug, this time with fires (specifically in the Goldshire Inn)


    What kind of help are you looking for btw?

    Hey Thanks for reporting bug.

    Any help going from listing  element from wowhead to bug fixes / report i'm currently working on a public generator wich people can help making companion pet.

  3. 2 hours ago, AuckeS said:

    I fixed the broken Vanilla - Wotlk icons from Synrics' ItemDisplayInfo.dbc (
    Your DBC had a lot of missing stuff, while this one contains most if not all Cata/MoP/WoD/Legion items. You can replace it with this one if you want.
    All credits to Synric



    Hmm. First i merged Cata itemDisplayinfo then i merged Mop Itemdisplayinfo then i merged WoD itemdisplayinfo. do you have example of missing rows? i will surely take a look on your ItemDisplayInfo. also if you need icones you can find out here

  4. 1 hour ago, piccolodmq said:

    Incredible work, I am slowly fusing this with my own work, as I said, if you want some of my work you are free to use it.    I did try the patches dbc,s on a clean 3.3.5a client, and the humanoid npcs have the classic weird skins. Is this a known bug of your patches or something I did wrong?

    Thanks for the support and contributions. we will talk about merge when i'm fully done with this pack.

    hmm i think the bug is general issue with creaturedisplayinfo. i will try to find out how to fix it.

  5. 9 hours ago, Kranimal said:

    First I want to say this is an awesome Idea, would actually be cool if it was a community pitch in (If everybody had the content past wotlk to use it would be quite a bit easier to share custom maps). So kudos to the people developing this


    Second I noticed the character models still look kinda off, don't know if that is a DBC thing oorrrr, not sure lol... might just be something I did (Not sure what though)


    third the Patch-W doesn't have WMO files in it but instead it has the .m2 files (which the world building stuff is easy to convert with adspartans converter which works wonders for that, I have used it for everything except the character models and the stuff works fine. Actually I am currently doing the 7.2 stuff, except for maps.)


    fourth Thank you for the share :), I am sure this is no small amount of work and must have been time consuming

    Took me 4 months to release it ! there's still some bug but yeah. will move on 7.X.X when everything is ok and working perfectly.

    for characters i just saw that i missed to put dbc file in Patch-H. CharSections / EmotesTextSound & LiquidType need to be in.

    thanks for the support :P

  6. Just now, MR.Farrarie said:

    check Philip the noob modeler or modder in youtube he did 3 videos on that

    I took a look on it. he's using spell to add the 3D thing, however it does not appear on character login neither if you transmog also he do not explain how he did for multiple color :(

  7. 7 hours ago, MR.Farrarie said:

    its not the converter 335 don't have phys it been added in mop

    and its nearly impossible to convert to lower expansion if a phys from legion you cant convert to wod

    or if you did it will be fucked up

    Thanks for your expertise ! i didin't know that.

    do have any information about 3D Belt ?