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Posts posted by Basto&co

  1. Greetings Community!

    I hope you can help me plus i hope its the right topic-section.
    I've try the last 4 days to solve the problem behind "0xc000007b".

    I try to mod on WoD, so i download the modding-kit & server kit from for WoD. First there where some .dll's missing - i checked this and got them. So every time when i start my world-server.exe i get the "0xc000007b"-problem.

    What i've done till now:
    1. I kicked all .dll's, redistributable (x86, x64), programms who can install wrong .dlls (for example, .net framework, adobe, visual studios and so on) and reinstall them all rightly for my bit-version. Now i dont have any problems yet about this freaky-fucking missing .dll but always get the 0xc000007b-fail.

    2.) I also checked with "Depends22" the bit-version of the needin' .dlls.

    3.) I've try to install a clean AIO-runtimes, to get the standard-windows-programms clean (Java, Adobe and so on)

    It works all fine for my 335a worldserver.exe/noggit/WMW ect. and modding workplace, no problems, no 0xc000007b's (at the beginn of my reinstall i checked this, i killed some .dll's who are needed but i get them back so it work fine again)

    I dont have any knowledge about registry-working, so i never touched them to do it by myself - repairing or look if they are damadged (I hope not!)



  2.  Hey Community.

    After some versions later of the teleport script, i try to write my "Mister Teleporter" script. But in the end, i have the problem: The NPC dont touch my script! 

    Somebody can say, what i've do wrong? (Code in the spoiler). The script is included in the custom folder and also included in the scriptloader-textfile.
    (Trinity-Core, Rev. actual) 

     * Written by (C) 2015-2016 Basto
     * Side:
     * Project: World of Warcraft - Titan - Die Nebelinsel
    class mr_teleporter : public CreatureScript
        mr_teleporter() : CreatureScript("mr_teleporter") { } // CreatureScript("mr_teleporter") = Name of database entry
        bool OnGossipHello(Player* player, Creature* creature) override
            player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM(GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT, "Ich bin bereit um die Inselwelt zu betreten!", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF+1);
            player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM(GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT, "Ich bin bereit um das OOC Gebiet zu betreten!", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF+2);
    		player->SEND_GOSSIP_MENU(1, creature->GetGUID());
            return true;
        bool OnGossipSelect(Player* player, Creature* creature, uint32 sender, uint32 uiAction) override
    				player->TeleportTo(805, 2129.701904f, 546.950012f, 6.881708f, 4.168441f); //Koordinaten zum Teleportieren. (Map, X-Cord, Y-Cord, Z-Cord, Orientation)|The coordinates to the destination
    				player->TeleportTo(805, 2129.701904f, 546.950012f, 6.881708f, 4.168441f); //Koordinaten zum Teleportieren. (Map, X-Cord, Y-Cord, Z-Cord, Orientation)|The coordinates to the destination
            return true;
    void AddSC_mr_teleporter() // Add this to the ScriptLoader
        new mr_teleporter();

    The function that i need: A script, that i have only to bind on a NPC (irrelevant wich one) who give some options about location teleportation. For example: "Port me please to XYZ1" -> PortLocation1, "Port me please to XYZ2" -> PortLocation2"Port me please to XYZ3" -> PortLocation3, "Nah, dont get ported, thanks" -> Close

    Any solutions? 



  3. How @Amaroth said:

    Noggit always need minimum of 3 (or maybe 4 (full)) textures. When you cant fix them with noggit again -> Start the map with a older noggit version. (thats the reason why i have a 1.2 version on my computer, idk WHY the older open it)
    You dont have to make it show, the textures have only to be in the (1by4 texture tabelle) so take any texture (little hint, i take crap single-clors (red/blue/green) set the pressure and hardness down and draw over all .adts) so that problem will be solved. Its very important in general by modding with noggit (actually blizzlikezones or new one)

    Next problem maybe: It is possible, that yah have a .wmo/.m2 not standing out of WOTLK? For example, Cata/MoP or some higher? Than you need a "hexed" wow.exe (i dont know what this say exactly, i only know, that the general things need a better version of the exe, so we have to edit them) 

    So thats my ideas about that... poooh. I thought my Noggit Version is broken or something xD


  4. I would say... BEAR-BEER! ^.^ I always said, my modder politic always stay neutral to everyone. I dont care if you take my work to say, thats your own. Bla, bla bla. Its a general modding-politic at my side.

    And my own sights are my part. If anyone wanna new my position about any topic, he can feel free to add me at skype and ask me. But here at the forums i see everyone as a friend. no matter where you come from, wich gender/nationality or whatever you have. Plus, how gumpy you once been to  me - i dont care. Everyone get a 2nd chance and are free to getting to know me. 

    A lot of old modders check this out and said "Oh basto, you are not so gumpy how all tells" xD and now we are good modding-friends. Thats great.

    Only condition i have: "So how do you to me, I to you", if you know what i mean? 
    We dont have to be friends all together, but we can meet at a professional floor/eye level.

    Thats my mustard! Take the Beer, and some white-sausages and if you want, a Lederhosen - a big pretzel and stay together! xD


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  5. Okay... i say everytime i hear "from the 30's till now" most of the music. Favorite side metal & rock... so let the flow a bit harder... aww good. Best music to get up! \m/ <3 *riff-riff-riff-raff*