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File Comments posted by Basto&co

  1. Did you have maybe the stoneroads of the garrison too or just till cata? or did you know, are they not a part of a map and they are also instance? Because i need some nice "town roads" for my alliance town. Goldshire/elwynn helps me jusg for the forest part of my map :-P

  2. What exactly does it contain?


    I will send a screen soon. But most of .wmos and all .m2s from cata till mop plus; textures, maps, some .adts and so on.

    Hold on, screen is comming soon right now. Its enough for you, when i screen the .mpq out or did you wanna have some speacial? In- and of itself, its close enough to see this files (by my side) - thats why i ask.
