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Status Updates posted by Basto&co

  1. Stuck in my head. One of my champ's have a problem with upshowing weapons of npc's. Somebody have a straight tut for me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Basto&co


      Thanks a lot, @Zehlendorf . Well know this video, but might dont help. Let me explain the prob: Also when he spawn a NPC, for example a standard stormwind guard who have by default a weapon - its not upshowing. Its like... there is a command missing or smth. like that. 


    3. Zehlendorf


      Hmm i had that problem, but was because i use a custom Item.dbc, and I do all the steps in the video, first generate in my db all the missed items that are in the originally Item.dbc, then generate a new Item.dbc with all that missed items and the custom ones, then all the npcs in this case the guardians of stormwind or orgrimmar appears with their own weps without any problem.

    4. Zehlendorf


      That's all I did and it worked, I remember it was a headache because I had created custom bosses but the weapon did not show, after doing the steps of the video everything was perfect, I doubt there is any command or something similar. Good Luck

  2. Hell! My modding hard disc fucked up D:


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bardh


      Same happened to me today. Need to re download Wotlk and compile the sever all over again.Some of my files are saved but still, plenty loss of time.

    3. Basto&co


      Aww i feeling yah bro. Why dont try to start with wod? Btw. on wich Plattform did you compile? I have just a guide for Linux but i wanna do also one for Windows for me and beginners. Maybe you can help me some Day? 


    4. Bardh


      I have always used Windows, never had problems and I compiled the server yesterday for about one hour(I had my WOTLK client on laptop and quickly moved the files while I also saved vmaps and mmaps  which take quite long to extract). My disk failed while I was downloading WOD 6.2.4 client, I'm really interested in WOD modding but I won't "experiment" right now with my disk.If you need any help you can just pm me.

  3. @Hyakkimaru I love this dude! >.< A very precious fellow for this Community. Really! 


  4. My own Server <3 Hell yeah


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    2. WithinAmnesia


      Okay sounds cool, how does a role play server work; just talking and such in beautiful places? I used to play on the Scarlet Crusade in retail and that was a 1/2 RP server and that was a pretty neat place.

    3. Basto&co


      Roleplayserver are more than "just talk light old times" (dark age or something like that). The player personify a character, made-up by himself. For example... "A dwarf marksman from Khaz Modan, in search about his own adventure".

      The critical point about this all is: We dont need so much about stats, itemgear and so on. (There are more ways to handle it but we would not.)

      But in the end you're a bit right. We need the atmosphere that the player can immerse in the story. Difficulty is: Wich pacth rev we take. For example - WOTLK or higher. OR (!) a custom lore. Yeah the lore is a important thing. Also the level design: Own maps, the blizzardmaps clearly taken or revised.

      At technical sight: Housing. And its so many support needed. (For example, when you support and play out the npcs) and so on.

    4. WithinAmnesia


      yeah custom lore ftw! Get the ogres in there and add the wildhammer dwarfs and such!

  5. Basto needs the 6.0.2 WoD Patch. Basto is scared about himself, because he talks in the 3th Person about him. xD Anyone can help me out? Would be nice. But please... no rope/cable and no guns! >.< 

  6. Setup a own compiled server or struggle with the local furthermore... thats the question. Or looking for a Partner who needs also a Server and share it with him? Hrm ._.


    1. Skarn


      I stay on local. What's your IP? Static or dynamic? If static, you can host at home for connecting 2-3 partners without any problems.

    2. Basto&co


      Thats the problem. Dynamic and actual not the best (new flat). ._.



    3. Skarn


      Yeah, exactly my problem... Then well, you either stay offline or rent it with someone.


  7. ADTAdder chracked my PC! Help ._.

    1. Elrena


      Hey, this has been happening a lot. Rumor is that it is recent Windows updates. Restart your computer and try again. Try to keep ADT amount low, and use Riu's Zone Masher to merge into larger maps.

    2. Basto&co


      Thanks Elrena. Yeah i have solved the problem with the help of Skarn (The Masher) and now it works. It brings me over the Night but now it work and all are fine again =) 
