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Status Replies posted by Basto&co

  1. Stuck in my head. One of my champ's have a problem with upshowing weapons of npc's. Somebody have a straight tut for me?

    1. Basto&co


      Thanks a lot, @Zehlendorf . Well know this video, but might dont help. Let me explain the prob: Also when he spawn a NPC, for example a standard stormwind guard who have by default a weapon - its not upshowing. Its like... there is a command missing or smth. like that. 


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hell! My modding hard disc fucked up D:


    1. Basto&co


      Aww i feeling yah bro. Why dont try to start with wod? Btw. on wich Plattform did you compile? I have just a guide for Linux but i wanna do also one for Windows for me and beginners. Maybe you can help me some Day? 


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hell! My modding hard disc fucked up D:


    1. Basto&co


      A cloud/drive is a good idea champ! I'll try it.


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hell! My modding hard disc fucked up D:


    1. Basto&co


      Yeah. Seens like: All. Hard disc completly destroyed. And no. Just a external HD with a clean 335a WoW .zip/winrar is all what i have now... i really fucked up. 

      Now i have to start from scratch (Maybe a good cut?). Also i do backups now at every progress ._.

      "A man learn from his mistakes.."  Shit happens, and shit just got real 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. My own Server <3 Hell yeah


    1. Basto&co


      Roleplayserver are more than "just talk light old times" (dark age or something like that). The player personify a character, made-up by himself. For example... "A dwarf marksman from Khaz Modan, in search about his own adventure".

      The critical point about this all is: We dont need so much about stats, itemgear and so on. (There are more ways to handle it but we would not.)

      But in the end you're a bit right. We need the atmosphere that the player can immerse in the story. Difficulty is: Wich pacth rev we take. For example - WOTLK or higher. OR (!) a custom lore. Yeah the lore is a important thing. Also the level design: Own maps, the blizzardmaps clearly taken or revised.

      At technical sight: Housing. And its so many support needed. (For example, when you support and play out the npcs) and so on.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. My own Server <3 Hell yeah


    1. Basto&co


      Did yah mean the gerne? Roleplay and maybe one day a collected roleplay server :-) look at my project too :-D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Worked 5 hours straight on my project, saved noggit like it should. restarted. Nothing saved FML.

    1. Basto&co


      Ahhh shiiiiiit. Yeah same story yesterday with the 1.4 Version. I push "save" and woosh - noggit pewnd me... >.< 

      Keep on. See it positive, next try - better story =) 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. If you hate me and you know it, clap your hands! :x

    1. Basto&co


      *press enter and...*

      *... headbanging on the tastatur*


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Setup a own compiled server or struggle with the local furthermore... thats the question. Or looking for a Partner who needs also a Server and share it with him? Hrm ._.


    1. Basto&co


      Thats the problem. Dynamic and actual not the best (new flat). ._.



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  10. ADTAdder chracked my PC! Help ._.

    1. Basto&co


      Thanks Elrena. Yeah i have solved the problem with the help of Skarn (The Masher) and now it works. It brings me over the Night but now it work and all are fine again =) 



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