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Posts posted by Eliendha

  1. Hi!

    I'm new at this and hope somebody can help me  :)

    I haven't found any information on how to enable non standard class/race combinations in Ashamanecore 7.3.5, only earlier trinitycore based servers. Seems like a lot have changed and I feel quite lost trying to follow the outdated guides.

    I've managed to add the race/class combinations of undead paladin and bloodelf druid. The problem is I don't get to choose these new combinations in character creation. Instead I have to create a character of a standard class and then change the class manually in the sql database. That seems to work fine but I'd really like to be able to choose and customize the new race/class combinations in character creation. Does anybody know how to achieve that or if maybe it's not possible in this repack?

    I've changed the following files using WDBX:
    CharBaseInfo.db2 (added the new class/race combinations)
    CharStartOutfit.db2 (added male and female starting outfits)

    I also edited these tables in HeidiSQL:
    playercreateinfo (added starting point for new character)
    playercreateinfo_action (assigned starting spells to action bar)
    player_levelstats (added stats for level 1-110)

    Thankful for any help :)