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Status Replies posted by Kaev

  1. you guys may have time to play games, but seems Ive got a job todo. got hired

    1. Kaev


      Well, i work 40h/week too and still have enough time to play games :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. Sad news: Emudevs closed.
    Eluna API is now on elunaengine.com

    1. Kaev


      Sadly i don't know any other forum which is mainly focused on serverside modding. :/

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Still the old bug, spent like 1 hour working on Noggit then BAM!, it   instantly closes and all my work is lost.I appreciate the work you're doing but this seems to be the most disturbing bug for me.

    1. Kaev


      That's why you save every few minutes. It never happened to me, so i can't test where it actually crashes. Maybe you ran out of memory or something?

      And automatic saving would really annoy me, because often i'm just testing and playing around on some maps, which shouldn't be saved. It could be a option which you could toggle on and off to satisfy both kinds of people.

      Feel free to request that feature in the Noggit repository issue tracker, maybe someone else needs it and wants to implement it.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)