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File Comments posted by jacksonf

  1. 20 hours ago, wungasaurus said:

    Well, yeah, you're missing textures. Use some tool to get a list of textures used by that model, e.g. by just opening it in Notepad and searching for BLP, and be sure to also copy them to your target client.

    Thanks, that Notepad tip did the job!

    The download does include the textures, but they're in the wrong path. For anyone having the same trouble as me, these are the "missing" textures, find and relocate them (or just copy to new folder again, this release is all over the place):






    At the end it is missing a file, I didn't catch that before but now I do (yes, you can see the little green things flying around). The only REALLY missing texture is WORLD\EXPANSION04\DOODADS\PANDAREN\BIRDS\PA_SUNBIRD_01.BLP.

    P.D.: I made a MASSIVE clean up, it's just 64,2MB.


  2. Hey, it's great! Got some questions:

    I tried every combination, every version as it is and everything I could think of and apparently, the folder uploaded it's missing some textures (or I don't know which ones they are to use them). In the Alliance background it's showing a giant green artifact (like green light passing through), and it's missing the textures from statues, benches and chains from the chandelier. I know it's using Cataclysm Objects, the benches appear if I use another MPQ with the same M2s (I don't know why) but if I don't, it looks like the screen down below. Other races are working as they should. If I use texture pack from Finsternis, benches and statues appear too. But that lightning texture and chains don't.

