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Posts posted by Parallax

  1. Hello guys. First of all sorry if im asking in the wrong section and also sorry for this being the first post.

    Im really struggling with an issue that has me pretty fucked up, being a bit rude. Im trying to do a Legion tests to make a custom dungeon and i really need to do a few custom items but im pretty lost in the way that means find those 2 informations:

    - AppareanceID - How this will be showing up.

    - Icon name - the icon will be showing up in the game.

    I've been using a pretty "noob tool" called Mindsear's Legion Item Creator but is outdated AF so i though of learning the good old way. Since Legion can call the local files of some information as the objects you make that can be helpful to make new items.

    Im really hoping you can help me. If this goes as expected i'll be soon releasing this to all as this is a test im doing by myself!

    Cheers buddies!