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Project Resurrection  is a small personal project of mine which I've been trying to conceptualise for years now, implementing more immersive ways to travel through the world and continents, this project strives to first and foremost bring back the sense of wonder and tempo of Classic, handling each of the two expansions an addition to the world rather than a landmass where the last few levels are grinded out mindlessly. ]

Core Values

  • Immersion.
  • Meaningful progression.
  • Freedom of choice.
  • The whole world staying relevant.


  •  Max level capped at 70. (WIP Concept may change in the future)
  • Custom level progression.
  •  Custom zone progression.
  • Unused weapon and armour models/textures implemented.
  •  New professions: Carpentry and Woodchopping. (WIP Concept may change in the future)
  • Class quests re-introduced with meaningful rewards through its progression to max level.
  • Custom races added. (WIP Concept may change in the future)
  • New character customization option: Height slider.
  • Legendary/Artifact item quest-lines at max level.(WIP Concept may change in the future)
  • Enhanced settlements with more buildings and doodads.
  • New Reputation and reputation rewards, even neutral/hostile reputation quests like multiple pirate factions or the Scarlet Crusade. (WIP Concept may change in the future)
  • Reworked class balancing with new spells.
  • Zone specific weather effects tied to events.

And much more in the works.

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