PortCraft - Wildstar

Currently another project has priority

This is a longtime project that keep me busy, the goal is to make every single WILDSTAR Client Asset working with the WoW Client 3.3.5.  The Whole Asset is taken out from the current WILDSTAR Version and WILDSTAR_BETA.

Everything will be available for the puplic to support the wow modding community and private server owners.


Solved Files:

.M3 Fully working exporter through: MarbleBag_NexusVault

.TEX MarbleBag_NexusVault

.AREA Only the heightmaps from the WILDSTAR_BETA  are Working: Mugadr_m_WildstarStudio

Currently everything works fine for the optimization of the Asset, since iam not a scripter it is a thing of the impossibility to adding support for the current WILDSTAR Version files. Some export methods are messy but they work. I am happy to accept any help, in terms of supported file formats.

I3 =  The WMO Format in Wildstar -MISSING: Everything

.AREA = The ADT Format in Wildstar, Heightmap export only works on WILDSTAR_BETA. -MISSING: Alphamap, Heightmap(Current WS), Object placement.

Any questions or help dm me @Discord


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