Welcome to Frostfire!
We are a custom 3.3.5a RP/PvE realm with two unique goals: 
- improve the fundamental gameplay of Classic/LK through new content and systems.
- build a sustainable community for the purposes of the Wow fandom, with support for RP.

Level Cap: 60+
Frostfire plans to launch content in phased releases. This helps to keep the playerbase engaged with new custom content as it is released. 
The server is currently in Closed Alpha. We will be running alpha tests throughout 2022. 

Discord: https://discord.gg/KrHj4hjrN9
PM: RevenFox#6969

What we are looking for:

Server Manager

  • To help with hosting, building the server core, maintaining the server, enabling developers' access and ensuring it all runs smoothly.
  •  Skills: Hosting, Knowledge of TrinityCore 3.3.5a setup and configuration, bit of  C++, Eluna, MySQL, DB Admin and Server Networking Skills


  • Server Team:
  • To code new content into the server core and ensure it performs efficiently in a live scenario.
  • Work with the world builders and client team to integrate new content into the serverside.
  • Client Team:
  • To help rebuild the world and design new areas for content. 
  • Skills: Fundamentals of MPQ patches. How to design custom content.
  • Work with the serverside team to help integrate new content into the serverside.
    - Skills: Lua, C++, MySQL, TrinityCore


  • Community Team:
  • Skills: Discord, website and forum management. Good interpersonal skills!
  • To effectively manage the server community and ensure a positive experience for players.

Activity Feed

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