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We would like to proudly present " Titans-League"
If you enjoy customization as much as me, your gonna love this server. Here, we rock your foundation within the first seconds with some amazing introduction animation sequences, as well as a custom storyline. But most importantly, here you build your own gear from scratch. And this is not some shitty system that create duplicate items, nono. Developed with lots of love, care and passion, we present to you the most complex item customization system that also includes a custom profession Spell Crafting. What you can customize on your items: Name. Quality. Display. Stats. And with the new Spell Crafting profession, you can even craft your own equip/chance on hit effects to apply to your items. We also introduce new custom battlegrounds: 2v2 Deathmatch, and a fully functional Battle Royale! Its worth noting that all our battlegrounds use your total item upgrade level to find opponents, so youll always fight against fair opponents. But the battle royale you have to find gear, so upgrade level doesnt matter. All your items are temporarily taken out of storage, until the match is over. We also have tons of custom events: Zombie Deathmatch, Mario Kart Racing, Fall Event, Mini Battle Royale & king of the hill. You can check out more videos on my youtube channel there, or you can come check out all the stuff before we go live the 17th of november. Other stuff includes: Player House System WHICH IS ROLE BASED, duel betting where you can bet your character in a duel. Thats right, winner gets the losers character. You up for that? I bet my character you are not. I could go on all day with content, but its better you come see for yourself! So if your into custom stuff, be sure to check out! Join our Discord:followed:

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