This adds Warlords of Draenor character models to the game.

Includes TBC character models
Includes NPCs
Includes all hairstyles, facial features, barely-ever used knicker geosets, etc. etc.
Includes Legion/BfA helmets and shoulder armor models
Includes capes with working transparency
Includes Cataclysm Goblin NPCs



Optional Boneless Undead:

Not exactly the Chinese censored version of the Undead models, instead these are hybrid models with custom un-ripped capes and a full set of facial features.



Optional Broken/Krokul custom male and female models:

Customizable male and female Broken/Krokul models for NPCs and optionally for Draenei players.


Download for Vanilla (v1.12.1) Note: Incompatible with retail WoW Classic

Download for Burning Crusade (v2.4.3)

Download for Wrath of the Lich King (v3.3.5a)

Optional: Project-Ascension Metamorphosis fix
I haven't tested this, but I'm told this custom server has an issue with my mod and Troll warlocks casting Metamorphosis. This patch fixes the bug (which causes all player models to disappear) by removing the new Goblin models.

Also check out my Cohesive Druid Forms mod, and Old World Music Rescore mod

Side note: My MPQ files are all open for editing, but I see some people are having issues seeing the file structure. I'm not sure why, but if you're having issues seeing the file structure you can extract the file called (listfile), rename it to listfile.txt and add it back to the MPQ. That should allow you to see the file structure.

Known issues:
Sheath/unsheath emote doesn't work on some models (CL, BC only)
Face-type geometry morphing, or whatever it's called, isn't implemented
Several goblin NPCs use the old  model, Also some blood elf NPCs
Some objects are held in the wrong hand for animations like "drink" "mine" etc

[update 11-12-2017] Corrected Undead Female model (initially uploaded wrong version which had transparent fingers and no eye-glow effect)
[update 11-13-2017] Cone of Cold hack fix added; TBC character emote sounds added
[update 12-02-2017] Fix to stuttering Framerate issue
[update 10-11-2018] Fixed "Dragonmaw Foreman" npc texture
[update 12-27-2018] Added WotLK version with many improvements (i.e. improved facial textures, helmets/shoulders, etc.)

[update 12-29-2018] Improved Wrathful Gladiator's Chain Helm positioning for Blood Elves. Included Optional Boneless Undead patch with download.
[update 12-30-2018] Fixed some helms/shoulders that were rendering too dark. Adjusted Blood Elf Males' held weapon positions.
[update 01-01-2019] Adjusted Blood Elf Male mounted sitting position, fixed opacity issue in Blood Elf Female glove and boot cuff geosets, modified HelmetGeosetVisData.dbc to prevent a few helmets from hiding Undead facial features
[update 01-07-2019] Fixed fishing animations for BEM, GnM, GnF, OrM, TaF

[update 01-07-2019] Added Gnome Female bulky boot geoset
[update 04-05-2019] Added Cataclysm Goblin NPCs, integrated better faces/helms/shoulders into the CL, BC versions of the mod. Added optional Draenei Redesign.
[update 04-09-2019] Fixed a random crash bug related to textures, fixed Night Elf Male teeth not showing, added missing sounds for various emotes, added a new hairstyle to my optional redesigned Draenei male
[update 04-15-2019] Fixed a random crash caused by a particular helm (BC), adjusted Tauren Male capes to prevent clipping, adjusted a few things in the Draenei Redesign
[update 04-15-2019] Made DK eyes glow through partially transparent helms, made Human Female cameras work with 3D portrait addons
[update 05-08-2019] Adjusted sitting position on mounts for many character models (most were sitting a little too low), added NPC goblin hairstyles and facial features

[update 06-04-2019] Made Night Elf male cape double-sided. Fixed a goblin NPC in Darkmoon Faire whose purple hair was causing  a crash.
[update 12-13-2019] Fixed some goblin NPC textures in Cosmowrench. Added some missing particle textures on a couple shoulder items. Incorporated Cone of Cold fix into my Cohesive Druid Forms mod compatibility patch for 2.4.3
[update 09-06-2021]  Fixed one of the Blood Elf Male barbershop hairstyles. Adjusted Blood Elf Male shoulder position/scale.

[update 12-30-2022] Added Broken male and female models with option to play as Broken. Aligned some vertex normals between facial geosets for a smoother appearance under some lighting conditions (applies to undead/draenei models).
[update 12-03-2023] Updated optional Broken addon with new voiceovers (English only). Fixed beard vertex weights for Human males (thanks to route2zion)

























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