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Everything posted by Bardh

  1. Bardh


    Well idk, tt could be some kinf of glitch? cuz when I download the picture its resoution is 1280x1024. And thanks for the feedback, in fact this picture and this scene was made kinda randomly, I was testing what wuld happen if I set groundeffect to dirt texture and suddenly....I have also planned to make this kind of place in the future.
  2. The trees are from Twilight Highlands
  3. From the album: Pics from some of my old projects.

    Just trying new models
  4. From the album: Pics from some of my old projects.

    Fortunately it didn't give me the beggining
  5. Bardh


    From the album: Pics from some of my old projects.

    A pic from an actual project, The Wicked Island, also here in mcnet.
  6. Bardh

    Pics from some of my old projects.

    These pics, are made, well long ago, most of the places you see on the pics doesn't exist anymore,some are just made, and also most of these pics shows only a scenery or something like this and not the whole project cuz two of them are already in modcraft and one of them is here in mcnet, I thought these pics beautiful and decided to share them with you
  7. From the album: Pics from some of my old projects.

    A recent project I'm working on
  8. Thanks for the feedback, i'll continue my work to get better in the future!
  9. Bardh


    I like it, it look really blizz-like, most modders usually make their maps too flat(including me sometimes), and not looking good, but yours is really beautiful, hope seeing more screens in the future.