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Everything posted by Bardh

  1. Hi all, so I've never encountered this kind of error before, its the first time I'm having something like this I haven't done any changes on the server or the server files to doubt in, if anyone knows anything I'd appreciate your help.
  2. Bardh


    Very interesting, so you're doing all of this with blender first?
  3. Let's say I wanted to make that every time a npc is spawned he follows a path(some waypoints), how could this be done? Guess I should use smart_scripts?
  4. I've been part of the wowmodding for more than a year now, and as more as I use mcnet the more primitive modcraft looks to me, I made a presentation of a project of mine here and in Modcraft, while here I got plenty suggestions or critics in modcraft I didn't get a single review considering the big community there and it wasn't the problem on the project but there is no such way I could represent the project in the way it should And all I and we want is a place to develop our community and present our work but modcraft isn't that place anymore, maybe it was, the quality isn't getting any better(did you know you cant post more than 30 pictures in modcraft),I don't see that community dedicated to quality wowmodding in modcraft. Sorry I don't want to start any flame wars but I had to give my opinion.