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Everything posted by Bardh

    Thanks for the release, you map seems simple but in the same time beautiful and great for RP, I've been thinking of making something like you did, a vast area, with forests, its in fact very realistic, what it actually needs its a little more details, especially on rocks or bushes and better road texture. Your map really inspired me and showed me that such things I love to do are really a possibility. Thanks.
  1. I managed to enter ingame but all I see is:
  2. Thanks for the release, but its giving me #132 error as soon as I start wow.
  3. Its the problem with the compiler, first make sure you are using the recent version of cmake, second make sure you choose the correct version of the compiler(visual studio), I had this problem but I managed to fix it by installing a recent version of cmake and choosing the right compiler, do you have a compiler first?
  4. Thanks for the feedback, since is here and open for the public feel free to get inspiration and ideas for you future projects.