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Everything posted by Bardh

  1. I see you have the concept and idea to make this map, I suppose you're a beginner in Noggit, and as everyone who began working in Noggit you too have a bit problems with texturing, even though texturing isn't the primary thing in map making in my opinion, you should be a bit more careful when you add the texturing, as Amaroth said think a bit why there should be some dirt or grass or whatever, try to think what you're achieving, try to think what are you going to create and it will help you get better. Also take note from blizzard-made textures, what did they do to make it look more natural and fitting.If this is your first map in Noggit then it is good.
  2. Bardh


    The port here is placed perfectly but a suggestion about the beach, it looks good but to make it more realistic I think it should be "broken" somewhere, I mean in some places the beach could have advanced more inland or in some parts there could be rocks and rough terrain, in this state it looks more like a perfect island with a perfect beach, but if you wanted yourself to leave it that way it still looks good.
  3. Bardh


    So my first thought was that there are too many trees, but on the other hand it seems that they fit in there, in fact everything seems to fit, it's like they're on the place where they should be, I wanted to suggest you something about the road, I've seen blizzard, when making roads inside towns or cities they tend to use it in more opacity or strength\hardness so maybe it would be better for the road to be more distinctive since citizens of the town use them all the time and they are much remarkable in the environment, also I've seen many using WOD models, in like everything, my idea is that better looking object doesn't improve the concept of the map but you did a great work as always, hope to see more future projects of yours.
  4. Still the old bug, spent like 1 hour working on Noggit then BAM!, it   instantly closes and all my work is lost.I appreciate the work you're doing but this seems to be the most disturbing bug for me.

    1. Bardh


      Well maybe if we could choose whether to auto-save or not. Well I don't know how much work would you need about that and maybe it could be impossible, that's why I don't usually like to complain and request features for noggit, cuz it's free, but I'll pay a visit to Noggit issue tracker, I also had other things in mind that could improve Noggit, which I think most of the people would want and maybe even mentioned them.

      And I usually do save my Noggit more often it's not a big deal, but I forgot that this time.

    2. Skarn


      If you open your map second time in a session, it will crash in a certain amount of time due to heap corruption. Fixing that would be a problem as heap is rather bitchy when it comes to finding a bug.

    3. Skarn


      Debug does not really show you the place where this problems occurs as it can happen far away from the error in the code.

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  5. Bardh

    Hidden Town

    Hello Model-Changers, this is a map made by me yesterday, it's not fully finished, but it shows much, it shows a hidden camp, inside a dark forest, couldn't yet name it. Hope you like it.
  6. Bardh

    Hidden Town

    Hello Model-Changers, this is a map made by me yesterday, it's not fully finished, but it shows much, it shows a hidden camp, inside a dark forest, couldn't yet name it. Hope you like it. P.S Textures made by hand.