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Everything posted by Bardh

  1. From the album: Haradon

    Just for artistic purpose.
  2. Looks pretty good so far, in the first and second picture I think the grass texture doesn't go well with the dirt texture, usually one should be darker and the other lighter, I think the alpha maps just ruined the grass texture, I would strongly suggest to use more opacity on grass, another reason to do so is for the groundeffect to spawn in most of the area(if this was what you intended). I would suggest to be careful when you raise the terrain, the rock texture shouldn't be laying very flat on the ground.Looking forward to see more.
  3. So, what do I need to do for my project to be on the banner or in the slideshow of mcnet?I'm talking about the project Haradon, soon I plan to release some new parts of the map, I'm working on the project continuously.If any have suggestions or critics for my work please tell me. Thanks

    1. Bardh


      I think I'll wait a bit when finish some zones and have enough material, I'll notify you then, the reason I made this status was knowing if I have the requirements to have a banner of my own. Thanks

    2. Elrena


      Feel free to make your own banner when you do. We can send you the template.

      I don't make them anymore... so yeah

    3. Bardh


      Thanks Elrena haven't heard from you for a while, so it's you who usually makes the banners? I have a bit experience in Photoshop so I guess I'll try to make it myself. But I'll do it after I release another one of the zones. Thanks

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  4. Well I'm starting to notice now that there are some places in the map or in the photos which looks like they're dirt roads but in reality they aren't, they're just there to divide the patches of grass textures. Sorry to have given you that kind of impression but I think groundeffect plays a role on that hiding most of the textures.
  5. Hey there, I haven't been active for a while, mostly for personal reasons, though I've been visiting the site every day. I'm here to show you a map I made for quite a while, I used some new techniques in texturing and terraining hope you like it, also please read the story. Millennias ago, lived a mystical lone creature with the size and power greater than a titan's. They say his name was Mievak and it used to wander the universe searching for one of it's kind. One day after an endless search he finally found his mate,named Vuthinda. They lived in a small unknow planet where they built their home and dreamed about their future. But one day when the war between the Titans and Demons was at it's peak Vuthinda was caught in the middle of a battle, powerless and by the heat of battle she died.Heartbroken and depressed Mievak killed and enslaved both titans and demons, hoping in vain to somehow ease the pain which was tearing his heart apart. None were to stand his aching wrath. But his untold pain was soon to come to an end, when one day he met an Old God who would end his agony by killing his pain causes, thus wiping his dearest memories leaving but a mere image of his loving wife. Mievak soon came to his senses revealing his true self, a twisted beign, a dark corrupting creature hidden beneath his sturdy bones and soft flesh. Under an innocent look, under a pair of beautiful love-seeking eyes, he is there, ready to torment mortal's souls. He is waiting!
  6. Thanks for the comments, still I don't understand why you stopped reading though.
  7. Please check my new map!