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Everything posted by Roarl

  1. Hi there! I added a command in cs_gobject.cpp, called "deletelast", which thus is a subcommand of "gobject". So, I added a ChatCommand in gobjectCommandTable : { "deletelast", rbac::RBAC_PERM_COMMAD_GOBJECT_DELETELAST, false, &HandleGameObjectDeleteLastCommand, "" },And the Handle is : static bool HandleGameObjectDeleteLastCommand(ChatHandler* handler, char const* args) { GameObject* object = NULL; // by DB guid Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer(); Map* map = player->GetMap(); ObjectGuid::LowType guidLow = map->GenerateLowGuid<HighGuid::GameObject>() - 1; if (GameObjectData const* gameObjectData = sObjectMgr->GetGOData(guidLow)) object = handler->GetObjectGlobalyWithGuidOrNearWithDbGuid(guidLow, gameObjectData->id); if (!object) { handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_OBJNOTFOUND, guidLow); handler->SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } ObjectGuid ownerGuid = object->GetOwnerGUID(); if (ownerGuid) { Unit* owner = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer(), ownerGuid); if (!owner || !ownerGuid.IsPlayer()) { handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_DELOBJREFERCREATURE, ownerGuid.GetCounter(), object->GetGUID().GetCounter()); handler->SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } owner->RemoveGameObject(object, false); } object->SetRespawnTime(0); // not save respawn time object->Delete(); object->DeleteFromDB(); handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_DELOBJMESSAGE, object->GetGUID().GetCounter()); return true; }I did create a permission in RBAC.h : RBAC_PERM_COMMAD_GOBJECT_DELETELAST = 1000,and I did create rows in auth's tables rbac_permissions and rbac_linked_permissions as well as in world's table commands. USE auth INSERT INTO `rbac_linked_permissions` VALUES (193, 1000); INSERT INTO `rbac_permissions` VALUES (1000, 'Command: gobject deletelast'); USE world INSERT INTO `command` VALUES ('gobject deletelast', 1000, 'Syntax: .gobject deletelast\r\nDelete last gobject in DB.'); Now, I have no problem with scripting the command itself. My problem is rather that the command doesn't even want to trigger. When I type ".gobject deletelast" in-game, TrinityCore World Server Daemon says : "Table 'command' have not existed subcommand 'deletelast' in command 'gobject deletelast', skip." . Would anyone know about what I did wrong here? Thanks in advance for your patience.
  2. Hi there, Very very very very tiny (tiniest maybe?) release : a small macro (DOS) I'm using to start/stop mysql service on my computer. This saves me some time as I used to start it manually (I don't have a gargantuan computer, so... I can't afford to leave it running all the time if I wanna play/compile properly). Figured maybe some of you couldn't be fagged to do it (which I would understand) so maybe it'll be useful somehow. for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %%H in ('sc query "MySQL56" ^| findstr " STATE"') do ( if /I "%%H" NEQ "RUNNING" ( net start "MySQL56" ) ELSE ( net stop "MySQL56" ) )(Don't forget to replace MYSQL56 by whatever version you are using ofc.) Cheers.
  3. Erm... solved. But before I tell how please promise you won't chop my head off... SOOOoooo... I built in Debug and was running the Release... =3 =3 (thanks anyway Kaev! / anyone who read this )
  4. Oops yes sorry it is gobject deletelast Exported the wrong line (just updated the original post)
  5. So sad and dramatic yet so pure. So empty yet so rich. Nicely done, perfect atmosphere for roleplay indeed, I FUCKING love it. (I have a thing for bleak / devastated landscapes =3 )
  6. Oh, it's far too mouthwatering not to give it a go, I defintely will!
  7. Great tut! I'll still never be able to produce a map such as yours tho x)
  8. Roarl

    Merry Xmas!

    Merry Xmas Dammit these screenshot and video x)
  9. You are welcome. And thank you. Yes, I will probably do the rest as well. The only question is when. For the meantime I cannot afford it as I have to study for my exams but I guess that after that...
  10. Sure thing mate! Just converted the models to .m2i so I could use them with Blender, then redid the UV mapping in Blender. I'd advise you this tutorial from phantomX,the UV mapping part is at 00:21:35.
  11. Glad you asked I just linked textures differently in the .m2 files. I thought it would be faster than editing all the BakedNpcTextures. Wait a sec, I will upload my .m2's for ya! (I will add them in the description.) uploaded (cfr P.S.III)
  12. What the blazes did I just see. I guess... Thank you Hyakkimaru?
  13. Wow! This guy definitely has the look for this kind of song, haha! Like any pianist I enjoy piano covers... Especially the ones of Mercuzio, this guy is a genius. This one gets interesting at 0:50 And second one is a pure marvel from the outset
  14. Erm well... why not after all! Luckily there is Namiriu and Valkryst, else I'd have the emptiest deskop of all!