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Everything posted by Roccus

  1. cracked wow exe for the server to read the root, you need to find one cracked
  2. yes select the meshes with lots of faces, vertices etc, go to modifiers, add modifier and choose decimate, ratio 0.5 it should do the trick.
  3. shortcut to edit ? nope, but if you want take this. After the conversion to WoD, use the Script03AnimFix to fix animation for older version of the game. It was Alastor's one. I wrote myself the LegionToWod though. Way faster LegionToWoDFix.1sc Script03AnimFix.1sc
  4. for 010 if you want to downport to WoD, you have to delete the M21 chunk in 010 of the M2, delete all before the M20 string. then change de 12 of the first hexadécimal line to a 10. Then you can use the wotlk converter script that you can find here to make the model compatible with wotlk. Use it on the skin to (conversion script).
  5. Still not normal, i didn't edit anything in those script and i could import everything even 7.2
  6. for the wing, try to set renderflag in m2template in 010 to opaque for the first line in each one, or twosided and alphablending ine the second line of each one. Or maybe you texture is a bit too transparent, try duplicating the layer of the blp till it's solid color almost non translucide.
  7. you can't, those are the ones, 7.2 or 7.1 work
  8. Yep like i said, one of those models that doesn't work even tought you don't touch the m2i. Like firespiderboss. Maybe try the M2mod 4.6 and use some script to convert it back to your expansion. One of the modelling mystery
  9. I'm like 100% sure you added an extra mesh or more to it doesn't it ? When you add new mesh to an armature of M2i you can't convert it back to M2 but with less it works. But sometimes models like firespiderboss in WoD wasn't working despite respecting the mesh numbers etc. Try looking this way. And in a loop if you use the new m2 for upcoming convert and it has less mesh than its predecessor, you will be able to to less mesh etc.
  10. can't help more, should be workin', sorry
  11. Did you check the settings on the M2Mod 4.8 to see if you put merge attachment camera bones et forced Legion format ? Last thing i can see there, It worked for the guys i shared it with, i don't know maybe you are doing something wrong
  12. not blender nor scripts, strange, here are the ones i use in my blender folder
  13. You speak about 2.78 but your error talks about blender 2.49 so your blender doesn't call the right script in my opinion.
  14. Did you install the scripts i gave you in blender ?
  15. Use this tool for legion and all other, expansion: this one hard to find but it supports the m21 models from legion directly. Or if you have the M2Mod 4.6 and 010 Editor for downporting to other expansion, just open the model in 010 and delete the M21 chunk (everything) before M20 then change the 12 you might have on the first line to a 10 and save. you will be able to get the m2i if everything's fine but the tool i linked you does legion convert and export to legion format too.
  16. here are the tools: M2mod 4.8, really hard to find but still i got it with the new import script for legion: There's more tools in those pack but hey it's complete (7.1 for last model supported)
  17. As far as know there's a M2ModRedux vers 4.8 that can convert M2 to m2i without converting legion one to Wod or prior (settings) and convert em' back to legion with the generated CHUNK or SFID or else i don't know for sure with the M21 format. In terms of Geosets, all i know for characters is that you can add and modify geosets as long as you swap or merge them with existing geosets etc. Quite long work. But adding custom things etc to 7.x, I think it's not going to be easy task as for you than for me. Hope you find a way. Not pro enough to talk about it.
  18. The position with the helmet juste "on" your head means that the model you use is from Legion, cause yes, in Legion they changed the attachpoint of the helmets. To change this maybe try to find in the m2 with 010 Editor some attachpoint coord
  19. There's one thing to reduce tris, you can remove double, what you did of course, and add modifier, go to the right column and select the add modifier and choose the decimate one, set it to 0.5 and it will reduce the tris. You must not be in edit mode though
  20. can't help more but usually this bug was related with distance view, like the game is loading the texture by the distance.
  21. As i see, it's not a missing texture. On noggit map there's a bug with this kind of green light on objects. A way to fix this is to increase your distance view un your game parameters. That could be it.
  22. Oh, Strange, can't help you much more then
  23. Dis you used the similar script for the skin file ? If no try it and it should be good
  24. I'll make a big general tut on WoD Modding when i'm done with my things !