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Everything posted by Roccus

  1. Attack their service, spam them, flood their forums, there's multiple ways to attack them. And i don't expect anyone from RPH to help me since they are all like their admin. Just need to attack them again and again and again. We have all the time. And i know multiple modders that were on RPH before + I have know their reputation for months still it's not just me, my work / âtches anymore. They have clearly stated that we are all their little bitches and that we work for them. Then why not release fake patches with full virus or cancer for them or maybe encrypt archive with password with bullshit content into them. Flood them with request, flood their discord, flood their forum. There's multiple ways to attack.
  2. Won't stop me, yes I said horrible things to them because they didn't respect me insulted etc, and I don't care, i know there was a topic made by chase that was closed. Letting idiots go on without doing a thing doesn't help either, sometime you must slap it so that he will remember and not with diplomacy. Then if y'all think I'm pretty stupid a prick or anything else feel free to believe it but that's not just me those things are an insult to every modder's work and I'll continue. As I said I'll continue even if I have to do it alone for months
  3. send me your model in pm i'll have a look (base files + your files, and telle me what version you want it on)
  4. Note that i just compiled the binaries, list_root has been made by bloerwald
  5. If it is invisible it means the header MD21 is badly done: here you can learn how to write a good MD21 header,
  6. Usually it s only for character then don t mind that. If they are in your creature folder then i know the problem but you ll have to wait till I get home (6pm and a half for me in France)) in 2 hours or so
  7. Import all .anim and .bone file of the model. Put SET M2UseLOD "0" in your file for the first version of the model you downported. If that doesn t work I have other soluce
  8. I know what she wants to do i did this thing without any problem by using only WDBX Editor and putting the db2 in both server folder and game folder. It should not crash since you're doing this offline and loading the game. either way you would get a error 121 or 132. Just export to csv, edit, and import adding the new rows Or export to a sql file to an SQL edit tool like workbench or HeidiSQL and edit using queries then import via sql to the db2 in WDBX Editor and save. Nothing more to do: -Error means you didn't add rows the right way, lots of IDs to respect etc. -Wrong db2 cause of wrong WoW Version used on another version
  9. Do it with the db2 on client side and not SQL to see if it's working on the side of a player game folder DBFilesClient/CharSections.db2
  10. You have to change all flags cell to 19: Explanation: 17 is for playable (normal thing) and by adding 0x02 so going to 19 you can unlock everything. I don't remember the details on which flags combination it is but 19 is a combination of some flags.
  11. Roccus

    3D Armors

    go in edit mode to rotate tabulation key, or else it won't work
  12. I'll try it on my legion bloodelf skeleton ethereal and show you the results when I can. I wasn't missing much in the process big thanks. If you want anything from me (3d skills etc) ask !
  13. try taking an old sword from 7.3 and another from a prior extension et see in 010 if the structure is the same except for the header cause in 7.3 the m2 structures are changing. .skel for characters and chunks for other
  14. So retroport all legion content to Wotlk but erasing all cata to legion content to just keep wotlk with all the new db system from legion. Sorry but it's retarded in my pov. Useless. Why throw in the bin the beauty that is legion cataclysm mop and Wod to keep staying in Wotlk with the false excuse of being "more up to date". stay at 335 if so and just retroport. Don't spit on Legion please.
  15. just go to end of file on the hex view and delete by hand from AFID to the end of file, just ctrl + f anf seach afid in ASCII they won't show up on M2Template and nope no MD21 template. I tried to make it twice and failed horribly lol. Still It's like the MD21 header, just delete them at the end of the file on 010. If not this, i don't know your problem. Since you were doing this way before, it's strange that those two are buggy.
  16. have you deleted all AFID, BFID, TXAC, PFID, SFID and TXAC blocks ? If not delete them just in case.
  17. Really strange, I don't know dude, never had something like that
  18. You retroport to vanilla right ? I can't help since you're the pro of vanilla here but maybe... Can't it be a problem of dbc editing since when i'm crashing with custom models it's because of some wrong editing there. Whene exactly does the crash occurs ?
  19. In fact the collections is applied on itemdisplayinfo.db2, you have the displayid and then model and in legion you can put M2 collections modèle. On your example you can put the glove texture and then you need to write collections ID etc in the db2 and in game the part will appear. It has animation in a different way. It has the same bone and bonweight as the target character. So it glues itself on the model when you equip the armor that would normally just be a texture on prior wow version !
  20. human model is separated from the armor. there youhave lots of thing like, the human character model, the helmet model, shoulders model and collection of the raid tiers model without taking into account all the texture file (blp needed) I can point you to my 4th part of tutorial here if you wanna learn how to do that.
  21. yp i solved it just now a little before you posted, it was obvious but prior to thi it made my game buggy for some reason so i forgot it but hey all this hard work to find an answer teached me a lot on how to modify some things. I'm adding to my current subjects to make a tutorial about
  22. Never mind i found it as the most obvious thing ._.. For those willing to know how to make bare feet so that you don't have socket like boots on characters with hooves you need to go to ChrRace.db2 and change flags to 2 (0x2 or more easily : bare feet). As simple as that. But still all this searching proved pretty interesting ! I'll do a huge legion tutorial when i'll finish all my information gathering !