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Everything posted by Rangorn

  1. Good, now make it available on WoD nah just kidding, good job Kaev, you are really the best, i honestly can't spit on Noggit (even if it's wotlk)
  2. Back to 2014, with Helnesis and some friends, we decided to made our own private server GM-RP 4.3.4, because the N°1 in french community was ruled by a huge fucktard. For this server, i have retroported the WoD HD models for cataclysm (we were really few people doing this in 2014). we got some players just for this. But, a night, when i was watching the walking dead, i got a notification a skype "hey dude, theses bastards stole your patch for their server", damn i was interrupted watching a serie, i was really mad about this, people don't respect what you do. Since this day, i am really paranoiac about important content, now we are close to summer 2016, i don't give a fuck about retroporting HD Models, everybody can do it by download or whatever, if somebody take my patch without my consent, i honnestly don't give a shit. Yeah i totally agree, there was a french server named "L'astre", it was the first server including custom transports, darker nights, spawning gob with spells etc... That was a huge flop. Only workings RP servers are the one with no specific rules or specific content. Competition is good, but it's stressful too And yeah you're right, i have already more than 100 players connected the evening (Record 160) Tools can be used against you, happened to me a lot of time. And i totally agree with Hyakimaru about the french community.
  3. i can only help trustworthy people (like Helnesis,Chase, Raef and some more)
  4. I'm paranoiac, i don't want to share programs whose can be used for concurents servers (i'm talking about french community)
  5. kek, already made them, but not sharing it I agree with you man, Wotlk is really a better expansion than wod, better graphics, more content, more features, really, and wotlk was the retail version only 6 years ago !
  6. 3 files missing.... woha, how did you find all non referenced filenames ? like qa or test things ?
  7. That's the problem The only way is to perfectly understand the CASC system and upload your own files in a ftp or something like that.
  8. Wod MPQ ? no no no.... Since Wod, MPQ were removed from WoW, Blizzard use a new system called CASC (http://www.pxr.dk/wowdev/wiki/index.php?title=CASC) Basically, that's just big files (1Go each) with files from the game, you can open them with Casceditor. Modding on Wod is like wotlk, but you don't create mpq, juste create the folders inside your wow folder. You can find modified exes here : http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/501200-repost-sig-md5-protection-remover-4.html
  9. Ownedcore didn't upload Mop Exes with lua/xml removed security, so you have to do yourself There is a tutorial for doing it on modcraft, i don't know if it is reuploaded here.
  10. It's possible to do it on Mop, there is just a minor change with wotlk, you have to change a short jump by a long jump somewhere, at the "switch case" step. The problem with MOP, the fix is not correctly working and can freeze your client, when you server crash Also the quit and disconnect functions are inversed for no reasons.
  11. Rangorn

    Moving Platforms

    Nice tutorial, did you plane to update it and explain how to rotate ?
  12. According To this : https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/6.x/src/server/game/Entities/GameObject/GameObject.cpp The code for Chairs and barbershop chair is something like that if (user->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER) return; Player* player = user->ToPlayer();
  13. Nice tutorial :D, with your permission, i will translate it for french