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Everything posted by Rangorn

  1. Ok guys new project, it should take me a lot of time. I want to make my own 3.3.5 noggit adts converter to legion, based on mjollna documentation and wowdev. Mjollna adt converter works only for official maps Anthony ToolBox script is too slow and i didn't like the C: specific path etc... i will try to create my own, wish me good luck people
  2. if there is a way to modify the whole CASC system and include a custom root, modding can be possible. Saddly, modifying the CAS System isn't a thing i can do for the moment, too complicated.
  3. did you know you have to add the SFID chunk in the end of the m2 ? The SFID chunk depends of the number of skins you have (1 to 4) and point to filedata id for each skin You can't really add M2 in Legion, you can only swap.
  4. Some news for you, i don't really understand what i'm even doing. When i move my wod World/map folder into Legion with custom map... it's strange. Some Maps works successfully, like the development_nonweighted converted from 3.3.5 Kalidar from the alpha 0.5.3 converted for wod work, but there are no visible m2/wmo on the map, but there are collisions at their place. Designer island and other various custom map create 132 errors So it's not needed to rewrite obj1 with a specific format, i just try to understand how to remove the 132 error and what can be the cause of this.
  5. i've found nothing, except for the WDL non referenced on the wiki for the new chunks the Wiki has already referenced the structure, now the problem is to know what are theses values, probably the boundinbox of M2, i will check this out.
  6. Another fucking post because copy/paste from excel is incredibly bad on this forum, and i can't write after this horrible table *sigh* AS i've understand MLDD Chunk is exactly the same chunk as MDDF, except the flags is set to 0x20 for this one (for the example ADT) MLMD Chunk is exactly the same chunk as MODF, without the 6 floats values (boudingbox) MLDX and MLMX contain both a CaaBox (6 floats, minX minY minZ and maxX maxY maxZ) and a float called the radius (just do : maxY - minY for having the value) This is now i need informations, MODF (WMO information) have bounding box value, it's not present in MLDX but it's present in MLMX, because theses two chunks are connected. But why the values aren't the same in MODF chunk bounding box in Obj0 and in the MLMX chunk in Obj1 Check out the results : MODF : minX : 14732 minY : 13536.4 minZ : 49.571 maxX : 14823.9 maxY : 13586.5 maxZ : 86.4528 MLMX : minX : 3480.17 minY : 2242.74 minZ : 49.571 maxX : 3530.22 maxY : 2334.67 maxZ : 86.4528 Radius : 91.9209 (if you did maxY - minY, you get this value too) You can clearly see that both Z values are the same in the different chunk but X and Y are different. Why it's different ? My second question is about the MLDD and the MLDX chunk (related about M2) Why does MLDX exist, if MDDF chunk doesn't have boundingbox information ? What are the values in MLDX then ? Can we fullfile MLDX with random values ? Now i need your help for this, i don't understand how to fullfile the MLDX and MLMX chunk. And did i have to edit the main ADT and the thex 0 files ? Please community, prove me you can be helpful and i will provide a program and informations about Legion.
  7. Basically we have 4 files : The Main ADT OBJ0 OBJ1 TEX0 For this part, i've only checked the Wowdev wiki : https://wowdev.wiki/ADT/v18 We can see a lot of new chunk added in Legion, half of them is used in the LOD file, the other part is used in OBJ1 I've also checked OBJ0 and it have no change. i didn't checked for the main ADT and Tex0, but i think it didn't have changed I need your help for this part in particular, does ADT Tex0 change in legion ? New chunk, deleted chunk ? Change of values ? Anyway... the main change in legion remain for the OBJ1. Basically, on Wod mapping, the obj0 and the obj1 are the same file but with a different name In legion, the obj1 should have his own structure, this is what we need to for it. Here are the result of what i've found Adt : TrollRaid2_27_25 Obj0 Obj1 REVM 4 REVM 4 XDMM 3626 XDMM 3626 DIMM 220 DIMM 220 OMWM 829 OMWM 829 DIWM 48 DIWM 48 FDDM 19620 DDLM 19620 FDOM 1984 XDLM 15260 KNCM/DRCM/WRCM 8692 DMLM 1240 XMLM 868 the 5 first chunk are the same, with the same values, but after there are differents chunks for the obj1, actually this is 4 new chunk : MLDD MLDX MLMD and MLMX According to the wiki and with my personnal test : MLDD M2 MLDX CaaBox/Float for M2 MLMD WMO MLMX CaaBox/Float for WMO
  8. It's inspiration, not stealing.
  9. It's not pointless, it's about stealing the work of something else Blizzard stole ideas from nordic mythology, Tolkien, other various legends or history, it's not stealing the work of somebody. Modders don't steal blizzard contents too... we just modify or add new elements to the game, it's totally not stealing. BUT, when you stole the content of another modder, you can say it's stealing.
  10. I've started with Bc/wotlk for modding, it isn't an excuse for staying on prehistoric content Barncastle and Luzifix are doing great work i agree, WoWdev guys aren't people from here, and they are doing amazing work too. Ohai, it's not about money, it's more about stealing ideas etc...
  11. Haha, hilarious answers here ! Like Chase said, i consider myself more like an explorer of modding, i'm not the kind of guy making a 3.3.5 mapping project based on Lordaeron, or creating new class or whatever, i want to explore the very last version of wow and searching for what we can do or not. For wungasaurus (the top picture is for you), for my part, i often read the wiki, and sometimes i contribute (mostly db5 structures, i can't really respect the strict C format for chunk and things like that + bad english), for the rest, you must understand guys, i have my own server with 100 players+, i'm not a isolated modder like the majority here, and i don't want to see other server using my own "technology" against me. It's funny because people begging for help don't understand this concept lmao, it's the same thing for Chase with Parangon. I always share what i know with Chase, because we have the same interrest and no concurence between us (Parangon is international RP, mine is for french community), because we are both curious about modding on legion, i share with Raeef too because he is interrested with modding legion and he is a cool guy which always give something in back (even when i don't want haha) Why i don't share with the rest of Mc.net ? You clearly prefer to stay on 3.3.5,you are lazy, you always say "i prefer to stay on wotlk because it' easy, shame on you, you don't explain how to mod on legion blablablablabla....". i only help valorous people chosen by Odyn himself.
  12. Server is unstable ? False, false and false. Legion is very stable.
  13. WoD is a bad idea, many CASC errors because builds aren't supported now
  14. here come dat president, oh shit wallup

    1. Rangorn


      it's the coolest shit i've ever seen, our country must have more men like you !

    2. Aedwynn


      well make this great again lmao myf riend

    3. Rangorn
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/3.3.5/src/server/game/Entities/Player/Player.cpp#L635 https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/3.3.5/src/server/game/Entities/Player/Player.cpp#L1655 Delete lines related to ValidateAppearance and recompile ur core
  16. i didn't understand all, but when you are talking about numbers in theses db files, there are FiledataIds FiledataIds aren't define in a wow file, but directly in the root file (in the casc system) Parse the root file and you have all the path name for each id
  17. You da real MVP man' Thank you very much for this !
  18. this is my jam #MerdeStorm
  19. Working on my 3.3.5a project !  Bubsy_3D_gameplay.png

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rangorn


      great model !

    3. Aedwynn


      keeep working on your project, looks very good my apprentice !!! ure so efficace on ce projetdemerde.exe XDXD

    4. Ausswitz


      good stuff here !!! its a for lordaeron project ?:PPpppP

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  20. Rangorn

    HD Models

    did you just fcking read what i've wrote ?
  21. Rangorn

    HD Models

    1) Download MPQEditor if you don't have it 2) Download the most fullfile listfile for the moment here : https://github.com/bloerwald/LegionFiles/archive/master.zip just take the listfile in this archive 3) Open MPQEditor, then load the encrypted MPQ 4) Click on Add ListFile, like this : 5) Then choose the listfile you just downloaded. 6) profit ! There is a chance, not all files be decrypted, this method only decrypt files with path/name existing in the listfile. Btw, you can search for other listfile on the web.
  22. Thanks for your work, awesome program and awesome search, i mean all dbc/db2 are referenced for most importants builds for each extension !