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Everything posted by UltraNic

  1. Omg it worked! Thanks!!! I am so happy hahaha! What a silly mistake, why didnt I think about that sooner?
  2. created ADTs with ADTAdder Used Rius Zone Masher Edited the map.dbc file in the ClientFiles folder as shown in the screenshot and saved it in my project folder under "DBFilesClient" so the map.dbc file in the clienfiles stays untouched Copied the ADT files and WDT to my project folder under "World/maps/" used MPQeditor1.1 to create patch packed the "World/maps/" and the "DBFilesClient" in my patch saved patch under "335aNoggitClient/Data/patch-4" Opened Noggit > nothing changed.
  3. Yeah I renamed it to "Östliche Königreiche2" sorry I didnt mention that
  4. Omg the making of Nimer is soo good! It looks so great! How long did it take you to do this?! Dont get me wrong but in my opinion there are too many of those brown earthen 'scars' (?) on the ground. Are there so many in the official Warcraft Universe of Azeroth too? I never noticed that lol But your Island looks so awesome! I love the density and variety of trees for the forest and every detail is placed so perfectly! Man I wish I could mapedit as good as you Great work! Keep it up!