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Everything posted by Addikted

  1. I don't understand anything at all in the video. You should have explained something, I mean, I know that you programming there, but, that tutorial is not teaching me, it's showing me how to copy/paste, and I'm not getting it... Could you explain me a lil bit please? Thanks! BTW, you pretty intelligent bro, what you doing there is amazing.
  2. Thanks for the answer. I'ma check that video today and reply about it. Meanwhile, I tried latest version and tons of versions of CASC View and Explorer and could not open Legion 7.3.5, says 'Failed to open storage'.
  3. Hey there I'm working with Noggit, I placed some models then deleted them, saved map but these models are re-appearing. lawl, so creepy. They don't want to be deleted. Any idea? And what about this texture also? I can't take off that bug. Any solution? Url:
  4. Im using this version I don't understand about change on disk Other changes are saved, if I place models they get saved. Models giving me error are inside 1 ADT only. I move inside the same map, and voilá, objects spawned again. Delete them, save map (all tiles), move again, voilá, spawned again.
  5. This is happening: Noggit tries to save an ADT, but save fails, then tries to save another adt.
  6. Of course, I save with Ctrl+Shift+A (Save all ADT's) and it's saying 'Map Saved'. Models get deleted, but then after a few minutes, they spawned again. Pretty creppy af. Btw I'm using 3.26 noggit version.
  7. Hey there, I'm making a custom instance/dungeon 5 man. Everything works fine, I can teleport to my custom map if I set the map type to 0 (normal map) but if I change it to 1 (dungeon/party 5man) I can't teleport anymore. Yes, I made 2 entries on MapDifficulty.dbc (for type 0 normal, 1 heroic modes) and still is not working. Any solution please?
  8. Hey there! I'm working on a map on Noggit and I wonder how to do terrain stuff? This is how my map looks, I will spawn some monsters there, add some trees and rocks but... terrain is flat, what can I do to improve it? Also, textures, I'm using 1 texture, I tried to mix textures and look bad af. Please help!
  9. 3.2614, I've tried lot of textures and can't find a way to blend them in order to look right, I've played with terrain but does not look good, maybe more practice?
  10. Hey there! I want to add a gameobject to my server (3.3.5a) it's an existing gameobject but seems that collider is missing, does not matter which gobj type I put players can go through it... Any idea? Thanks!
  11. Wungasaurus, Thanks for your reply. I painted it all Ocean and clicked on 'Regen ADT Opacity', anyway it changes color around walls. I mean water still all the same color, but well, looks fine so maybe I'm leaving it this way. Thank you!
  12. Hey there! I want to get this water effect: But Noggit 3.2614 waters does not seem to blend: What am I doing wrong? Any idea? Thanks!
  13. Hey there! I'm working on Noggit and I got this issue with an Imported .m2, How does it looks on Noggit: How does it looks In-Game: Any idea on how to solve this please? Thanks!
  14. Thank you! In order to extract the maps I just need to place my Custom MPQ with .wdt .adt and .wdl files in Data folder and extract normally?
  15. Hey there, I'm working on Custom Maps with Noggit, I want to do a Custom Instance(5-Man Dungeon). Can someone help me how to make this? I see that dungeons works like (you go through a door that teleports you to the Dungeon Map) maybe MapDifficulty.dbc? Problems I have: Character Selection Screen (No Map Name): Unknown Area/Zone - What's that Square???? Hope you can help me, I'm totally new into Map editing... Thanks!
  16. Thank you for your answer! Anyway, I got that .wdl from a Template.wdl. How do I generate my own wdl? EDIT: First problem solved. I was not saving the .wdt file after Generating Data. Thanks Wungsaurus
  17. Well I think errors on screen 2 and 3 are maybe because I did not add "map" on "maps" folder from Core. I need to use "mapextractor" in order to create it? What about error on first screen?