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Everything posted by wungasaurus

  1. M2 cameras are used for short cinematics with only camera movement and voiceover, like the character creation ones. When I read “action camera” I assumed OP refers to the legion feature of the camera following the character to change depending on situation. That wouldn’t be possible with m2 cameras.
  2. It is in the binary. There are no files.
  3. Well, you could just export the ADT with models and them convert it to a WMO.
  4. All binaries I looked at in my whole wow live had the rule to replace mdx/mdl with m2. Ever since Vanilla.
  5. This should not make a difference, ever since Vanilla.
  6. 7.3 added a new flag that changed shit and isn't really documented. If 0x200000 is set, it probably is due to that.
  7. There is no need to delete those chunks, they are just ignored on loading.
  8. If it isn't the server, there is, uh, the client.
  9. TrinityCore and "the game" are not the same. Searching inside TrinityCore will come up with a lot of "we don't know shit about this" and thus no references. That says nothing about the actual game.
  10. Those restrictions are hardcoded. Instead of removing such a basic restriction though, why not simply make the items not BoE/BoP instead?
  11. Likely, the defaults are already fine. What _is_ your desired result?
  12. $5 AFID and BFID have not changed since 7.2
  13. It should even work if you take the model (and all referenced files, .skin, .anim, …) from the build just one before the current.
  14. That confirms my suspicion and means you're fucked for now: last build added .skel files for m2s and started with Draenei. Those files are entirely unknown currently so you will have to investigate yourself. Please add anything you find to https://wowdev.wiki/M2/.skel though.
  15. Can you do me a huge favor and test if the same issue exists with draeneimale but does not exist with other character models? If that's the case it would be .skel related.
  16. note that wintergrasp buildings are destructible objects, so the reason they work on servers is probably another: they are broken. destructible buildings of that era are present on the adts just like regular non-destructible objects without phase. they are flagged in the adt, but the extractors don't know about that flag (even though it is documented for years). thus, the emulators treat destructible objects correctly because the vmap stuff thinks it is actually on map. it will break when the object is destroyed (npcs will still think it is not).
  17. afaik, vmaps are not implemented for dynamic objects on any emulator. they might work for transports though, which you could use by making a non-moving transport.
  18. I forgot that nobody is actually editing MD21 files but people still just cut off the chunk header. ._.
  19. Uh, just change that variable and add the number of bytes you added?
  20. `git pull` `git stash; git pull; git stash pop` You should probably fork, do commits and merge though.
  21. It is now "fixed" by completely disabling the captcha. Hi, masses of spammers