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Everything posted by wungasaurus

  1. Can't see anything obviously wrong. Only see that azcrater is lowercase in list file and "Azcrater" in trs. No idea if that makes a difference. It shouldn't. Also, are you sure you're using the right wmo group?
  2. Can you do so again after restarting noggit?Is there any error in the log?What is your log?Does it happen with any model? Since you claim it depends on the map used, what happens if you copy all adts and replace them with empty adts? Does it still happen?
  3. The file format is trs, not rts. In your post it is spaces, meaning you don't show the actual file/changes but some reproduction of it. This means one can not realistically debug this issue since one does not have the _actual_ change but only what you claim is the change. I'm not sure if I want/can help you with this, but if, then _please_ provide the actual change, e.g. in form of your MPQ.
  4. Is the file really called `md5translate.rts`? is that a tab or spaces separating the names? where did you add azallystronghold.blp? The information you have given is _not_ complete, which is what I was saying in my first comment.
  5. You missed giving any information. A usual good start is giving the diff you applied, I.e. the files touched, their content etc, essentially your patch. Without that nobody CAN give you any more help than “make it again, but more correct this time”.
  6. according to that log.txt noggit crashes. your post does not mention it. is that relevant? http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=2971.0
  7. Maps that have their WDT say there are no ADTs are filtered out. Those filtered maps are logged.
  8. Or just correctly set your project path and add the dbc to it. God, adding project path was such a stupid idea, seeing how many people fail with it.
  9. So players use your content? Isn’t that exactly how stuff is to be used?! How is it the server‘s fault if players use it? I’m horribly confused.
  10. since this is based on the repository, please make a pull request to contribute back to it.
  11. I don’t think you had a metric ton of error messages but used it as „a lot of“. Either way, there is no way to help with those errors, if you’re not listing them. But as someone posted a rar, you probably won’t care until the next time, and the circle will continue.
  12. In CascLib/KeyService.cs, add the keys. They are on wiki at https://wowdev.wiki/CASC#World_of_Warcraft
  13. Well, uh, you would have to re-implement Eluna/AIO with "Azerothcore". There is no feasible other way.
  14. I apparently failed to actually send my comment before (or am too stupid to find it now): This description of that block is way better than what's on wiki. Care to better describe it there? It would be appreciated.
  15. Noobs who steal patches are not actual competition though since their shitty server with copied together stuff is not actually worth playing. If someone is able to make stolen content into a worthwhile experience, they will also be able to "decrypt" or reverse your custom exe. After all, that's likely a 10 minute job.
  16. It is not worth the effort doing this at all.
  17. The MCLV part of it is the red glow next to the pools of lava (actually, it could be the glow flag of MCLY, but that's likely not used once ever since Cataclysm).
  18. It is introduced in WotLK and fully supported. http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=13771.msg63250#msg63250
  19. There are no model files for them. Cloaks are geosets of the character models. You will have to change all of those and add a geoset for the new cloak. Since you already seem to be retroporting, just use retroported character models and you’re done.
  20. How did you change the animation used to begin with?