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Everything posted by wungasaurus

  1. I didn't try to tell you to remove java.. Your error is not related to java at all. It is just that that guys problem has the exact same symptom and might give an indication of what is wrong and how to resolve it. Otherwise, without the full log, nobody can help you, I guess.
  2. http://forum.sysinternals.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=21378
  3. I don’t have a link to any Noggit version since I never realeased one. I have seen such links in the past on this site so they do exist. The repository is at https://bitbucket.org/berndloerwald/noggit3/.
  4. I am told that this stuff is fixed in new versions of noggit. Try updating please.
  5. If it is over exactly one mcnk and the m2 header bounding box values are correct, but it is not in mcrf, please report a noggit issue.
  6. 0xc000007b can be pretty much everything and it is impossible to debug without additional information. Given what you said you likely have uninstalled the MSVC++ runtime. To actually find out what it wrong, look in Windows log files, or download process monitor, filter for noggit.exe, start noggit.exe, and check for any error of loading images. That will likely tell you the missing or broken file.
  7. - the camera bug is a broken MFBO chunk. Just removing that should fix the issue. - the bad culling I don’t know, sorry. Usually that happens if the model spans multiple chunks and is not referenced in all of them. Try it being exactly in one mcnk to verify that not being the issue.
  8. Noggit will _never_ require you to download any .NET framework.
  9. Have you tried asking them on how they do it or look at what they do?
  10. There have been no changes needed to cascexplorer between 7.3.5 and 8.0?!
  11. What part of it does not work? What is the error?
  12. @Skarn Check the linked thread, 0x007B31F8-read-0x10 is ADT.mcnk.low_quality_texture_map, not WMO related.
  13. http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=2971.0
  14. Does this implement the algorithm or is it just a lookup table?
  15. tbh, this really shouldn't happen. in wotlk there is no culling information other than the wmo being referenced. since it isn't rendered, it isn't referenced. that's why I asked about version and if it happens for everything. there are some hardcoded occluders, so I wasn't sure if this is one. if it does not happen in a different version of noggit, please attach the adt for that version too.
  16. Please report the issue on https://bitbucket.org/berndloerwald/noggit3/issues/new. Be sure to include a before and after version of your ADT.
  17. What version of the game is this on? Does this happen with every WMO or only this one? Does that WMO span multiple ADTs?
  18. As per https://wowdev.wiki/M2#SKID_.28Legion.2B.29, there is exactly one .skel file referenced per .m2.
  19. Don’t rename anything, open the first file in zip/rar, click extract. This has been how large files are distributed for decades, and is not modding related at all. https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-extract-split-zip-files
  20. wmos and models added to the client _can't_ have an implication seen in the worldserver log. If you remove all changed files, does this really no longer happen? what files _did_ you change? did you try taking away half of the files, look if it still happens, and if not, take away the other half instead, … and iterate until you have the one file causing it?
  21. Yes. Or you just fix the references by letting noggit rewrite them.
  22. The mechastrider is a different issue. Doodads spawned on terrain are culled for performance. To do so, the client checks which MCNK is visible, and then looks in the visible chunks which models are in it. If you replace a model with one with a different bounding box, this information is incorrect. In the case of lamp post → huge as fuck thing, it will flicker out of existence once you don’t look at the exact spot the lamp post was.