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Everything posted by wungasaurus

  1. this is most likely a side effect solved in https://bitbucket.org/berndloerwald/noggit3/commits/c1c2b37b0b9114e47a56fe7ffaba94e8dee44f94?at=default
  2. Hey all, Our faithful wiki host Mads whom has hosted the wowdev wiki for many years at madx.dk and until lately pxr.dk no longer has time to maintain the wiki actively, so we've decided to move it to a new home at https://wowdev.wiki where we can once again actively maintain it against spambots and the such. There is also once again the ability to add pages and to create accounts. The old accounts should still be available. There might be some initial transition bugs here and there, after those are worked out we hope we can manage Mads to free up some time to redirect the old wiki to the new one. We would love to see you all use the wiki, and maybe contribute to it. See you at https://wowdev.wiki!
  3. That should be exactly the setting it uses. I would guess that the original model had three bones for three different books or so.
  4. Only for those who are programmers. There are people who did Noggit releases in the recent past, which could do one quickly at any time.
  5. Has anyone tested if the fix at https://bitbucket.org/berndloerwald/noggit3/commits/c1c2b37b0b9114e47a56fe7ffaba94e8dee44f94?at=default works? That would be way easier than writing guides on that shitty workaround.
  6. there is a complete listfile at https://github.com/bloerwald/LegionFiles
  7. Anyway, I saw the accident on Mocraft and I want to assure you that these kind of rules won't be applied here unless we have some serious reasons for it. All guys in the team are fine with people receiving money for their work and also it is totally fine if you link some external resource to show something that is not here. I congratulate Steff, Milly or whatever it wants to be smaller now, and Skarn to successfully splitting and fucking over the whole community. Well fucking done. Steff, get over the fact you don't have the time and capability to do everything alone. Accept help, and realize that people have helped you, a lot. I managed modcraft for a damn long time while you did nothing but be the great master behind the scenes, everyone looks up to and sees as the only responsible person. In the whole thing of Skarn an milly offering help, you never even contacted me. Skarn, milly, duck you guys. If helping a community to fix the issues is done by splitting it, and private messaging people on the existing one to join your great new community, you succeeded. I know the rules didn't say shit about big messaging people about your new thing. That's fucking common manners. Hint: it helped fucking nobody. Splitting a group will never lead to a higher truth. The content of your sure is exactly the same. All additional things you have is a gallery for screenshots. Was this worth the drama and negative effects? Oh yeah, and a shoutbox, right. The whole thing didn't advance. People still do they and old shit. I'm just sick of this. It has helped nobody and destroyed all the community things we had by splitting things up at badly defined borders with 90% of talking behind people's backs and talking shit about them. Have fun with your community on people half-posting to either sides with there being an ongoing war. I don't want to be part of this anymore. On a side note, the wiki, while mcnet links to it as if it was their own, and steff wanted to integrate it into modcraft, will stay neutral. If you want a drama free community, start working together and don't try to convince people that your penis is bigger than the other dictator's. It just doesn't help. </drunk rant> (Ps, your mobile site sucks dick and is worse to use than modcraft. Eg I surely didn't quoze Skarn quoting himself. I was also unable to delete it. Getting to the forums also is a pain. Congratulations, the one thing you wanted to improve failed.)
  8. what is the benifit for you ? People will finally have to adapt to changes which will bring the community forward.
  9. what wiki do you mean? I can't find the thing you speak of in the second paragraph in the wiki linked on top
  10. If you think it contains nothing, look at the end of those files.
  11. The data this guide removes is the data for the models to work without file names. Removing it instead of adapting tools to use it is exactly the wrong way. The only reason this can work is that we still know the file names from the list files. In a precious alpha build there were actually models that crashed the client as there were no file names and the MD21 files weren't pushed yet (death skeletons mainly). So in order to fix a Legion alpha build before this one, one actually had to add what you guys are removing here in order to be able to play when a worgrn died next to you. I'm not sure if this will make it into Legion, but there isn't much left to completely drop file names as well as the hashes currently used for listfiles, finally forcing people to adapt, and as of what I know not even the two big datamining sites adapted yet. It it would be a glorious day.
  12. There is no retro-porting relevant changes in Legion from WoD except for obj1, which can be replaced with obj0 with no information being lost at all times.
  13. There is no need for the filedataid to be in the dbc. One can load the files by id, and that is what is done. Note that there are multiple dbs for id → filename though, not only that one.
  14. Can you describe the process you did for converting them?
  15. It is a wiki. Instead of complaining, fix the formatting and if there was incomplete stuff, add what Cromon told you. That video does not show streaming but terrain phasing. All content is already in the client.