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Everything posted by wungasaurus

  1. Because there is obviously more in it that that one field?
  2. Afaik those don't take all that into account.
  3. Yes, although it will be a lot of fiddling or will have subtle issues. removing an object: remove from MODF/MDDF, fix all MCRF in MCNK by removing the removed index and decreeing all bigger values by one. Alternative hack: set position to way below ground. replacing an object: if path not present yet, add to MMDX/MWMO, add offset to MMID/MWID, replace id in MODF/MDDF entry. If model is bigger than before: add to MCRF of all spanned MCNK. If MODF, adjust extents size. creating a hole: add bit in MCNK's hole mask.
  4. What is "all the standard shader"? Can you give an example file that shows the broken behaviour?
  5. By now I think it is determined whether Rangoon is a troll or an idiot, and I guess while feeding trolls at least would result in comedic value, one should probably stop trying to talk to it.
  6. What exactly are you trying to show us here?
  7. Cross reference to Modcraft post: http://modcraft.superparanoid.de/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=10512
  8. Approximate Changelog since 1.4: Steff | Fix: If you selected an model, copied to clipboard, deleted source (it it is last model on map of this type) and pasted it then. Noggit crashed. Steff | Calculate camera height related to terrain height on map load. Steff | Fix that texture swapper stayed visible if you changed the tool Steff | Add new option to toggle model animation rendering. F11 and Menu option in View menu added for this. For easyer model selection like birds. schlumpf | various memory leaks or potential crashes Valium | Initial support for drawing tablets on Windows. Crashes if you don't have a tablet installed. Valium | Implemented Blizzard style wireframe. schlumpf | mapchunk: save: fix: only set low_quality_texture_map bits once to avoid error in overwriting (missing clean) (the 4 layer bug) Adspartan | Fix to prevent texture duplication on a chunk (swapping duplicated textures remove the duplicate). Adspartan | Fix random hole bug when using the hole tool by checking is the cursor is not underground when adding a hole. Adspartan | Set tile as changed when using "swap adt". Adspartan | Misc : prevent m2/wmo selection when using a tool Adspartan | Fix texture shift ingame Adspartan | Alphamap loading / saving changes Adspartan | Prevent crash when loading or drawing wmo. (for retroported WMOs) Adspartan | Fix texture shift between noggit and wow client Adspartan | Fix alphamap loading for uncompressed (2048) Adspartan | Paste object at the cursor pos if nothing is selected Adspartan | Vertex shading is now correctly implemented. Kaev | This should hopefully fix all model bugs when you save your files
  9. It isn't exactly hard to get that he's a complete selfish asshole.
  10. depends on sky. also, noggit probably doesn't do water color right. verify in game, then edit light*band.dbc for your sky to modify water colors.
  11. Well obviously they are not converted correctly, then.
  12. You realize that one can just do all that in lua, so it already exists? There even are templates for models etc. As you want "fully", there is no way to have that without you manually writing lua/xml anyway, so just go and learn it. It isn't that hard. Stuff is already there. Building a framework to simplify it is not worth the effort when your direction of "fully" isn't even known.
  13. rather try https://github.com/relaxok/wow010/blob/master/M2.bt
  14. Implying that it is a money issue only. Also, matching hourly rates would require a shitload of donations. It would also be an issue of how to distribute donations to projects and developers. Nice idea, but won't work.
  15. The only chance to obfuscate archives is to break parsing with third party editors. By design that's the end. Also, if there is any archive that is valid but not parsed, Ladislav and the usual people will fix their tools. Without modifying the client there is no way to obfuscate anything to a level that it can't be automatically reversed. And if you do modify your client to do further obfuscation, that's either specific to your one project and your project us irrelevant enough, or it will be reversed as well. I understand why people want to do it, but it just won't even turn out useful or nice. No matter what you invent, someone will crack it within a few days if you're relevant enough. Just stop it. This is entirely lost effort. it is a flawed idea.
  16. Protection of content that is supposed to be opened but not opened can't work by definition. Just stop trying everyone. People who want to steal will be able to.
  17. * take an existing listfile for live data to find modified-only files * it will probably contain files like map.dbc. Open it and find new map names. ** add all adt etc names to the listfile ** repeat for other dbcs * extract all adts and get texture and model filenames from them * extract all models and get texture filenames from them should be a one hour job when done manually.
  18. I will update GitHub/bloerwald once I'm back from Thailand, which is in a few days or so.
  19. In https://wowdev.wiki/M2/WotLK#Textures, change type to n=11…13. In https://wowdev.wiki/M2/WotLK#Replacable_texture_lookup, change the nth entry to the index of the texture you changed.
  20. The one linked is complete for legion and wow. Also, why not contribute to an existing project rather than starting your own?